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BuddyPress 12.0.0

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  • @perchenet


    Error messages on my second site ( where I’d like to install BP

    Deprecated: La fonction bp_core_retain_legacy_widgets est obsolète depuis la version 12.0.0, aucune alternative n’est disponible. in /var/alternc/html/d/davduf/www/ on line 6031
    Deprecated: Le crochet bp_uri est obsolète depuis la version 12.0.0, sans aucune alternative disponible. in /var/alternc/html/d/davduf/www/ on line 6031
    Deprecated: La fonction bp_core_get_user_domain est obsolète depuis la version 12.0.0 ! Utilisez bp_members_get_user_url() à la place. in /var/alternc/html/d/davduf/www/ on line 6031



    Thanks a lot

    1. So there’s an issue with this specific config in BuddyPress. The repair tool, as run from the network admin where site ID is 1 is not checking the right BP root site. I’ll work on it asap. To be honest: we’ve tested a lot of configs, but I believe not the specific case where the BP root site is not the same than the network one. Sorry about it.

    2. It looks like the fatal error is generated by the « onecommunity » theme. Moreover this theme or some 3rd party plugin(s) is(are) not ready for BP 12.0.0. I believe you need to activate the BP Classic Add-on network widely – like BuddyPress. (but let’s keep on debugging doing step 3 before 🙏)

    3. Can you run this query:
    SELECT id, post_type FROM wp_posts WHERE post_name LIKE "activity%" I feel the migrate routine wasn’t checking for the right site ID.

    4. Once you activated BP Classic, go to the Permalink setting of site 4 and simply save the permalink structure without changing the selected structure.

    I need some time to fix this specific config for 12.0.0. I think it will be ok for the beginning of next year.



    Hello Mathieu

    Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. It’s really great. Don’t worry about your tests: what you do is so great and useful!

    Here is the result of the query

    SELECT id, post_type FROM wp_posts WHERE post_name LIKE "activity%"


    MySQL returned an empty result (no rows)

    I’ll try to follow your advice and get back to you.

    Many thanks again!



    For your info, I’ve started your config tests and I found a bug with slug customization:

    So I confirm there’s an issue. I’m working on it.



    BP Classic is now activated.

    Get a last (and new) error message

    Deprecated: La fonction bp_core_retain_legacy_widgets est obsolète depuis la version 12.0.0, aucune alternative n’est disponible. in /var/alternc/html/d/davduf/www/ on line 6031

    The page slugs now seem to be working, but the member base still seems a bit chaotic: the avatars aren’t the right ones.

    And, unfortunately, the main site is right now very slob (not the sub site)

    [EDIT] I just saw your ticket! Wonderful. Thank you a million for your help!

    Thanks again




    Something similar was reported earlier about the deprecation notice. I believe it’s due to a custom code or a theme:

    Which seems to help the reporter to fix it:

    About the main site being very slow, that’s weird. But I’ll check BP Classic with your specific config. You can try to see if only activating BP Classic on the subsite is making main site faster.



    Thnak you again!
    I wrote to the Theme creator giving him your solution. I hope he could update his theme.

    BP Classic is only activated on the network (at the top level, not on the sub-site level).

    I’am afraid that my main site being very slow is due to… the multisite option.
    Thank you again!



    I am not so tecchy and often don’t understand whar you are writing about 🙁
    I think bpress tool to reset should do this

    I vever chanded prefixes they are as by installing wordpress

    It is really horrible to bring new version where problems are programmed

    Also back to bp old version I unterstand not sure

    I am very upset

    I also dont know if I take old backup if than all works /would mean loosing newest users)



    Hi Mathieu,

    I got a weird problem with version 12:

    When activating buddypress, all my content of every other page is not shown anymore to logged in users. I use paidmembershipspro plugin.
    Just see blank pages but the page titles are shown in the tab of my browser…

    What can be the problem here?



    Hi @cheesy2k

    Sorry to read about this issue. It’s difficult to figure it out. We made an important change in 12.0.0 & although we communicated a lot there might be some third party BP plugins not ready yet for 12.0.0. That’s why we anticipated building this backcompat addon:

    BP Classic

    If you haven’t tried to activate it, I advise you to do so to see if that fixes the issue.

    I also advise you to check your server error log file as it might contain some infos about what’s going wrong.



    I activated the plugin now I get this error on every page:

    Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Undefined constant "BP_NOTIFICATIONS_SLUG" in /../wp-content/themes/kleo/lib/plugin-buddypress/menu-notifications.php:61 Stack trace: #0 /../htdocs/csc-connect/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(324): kleo_menu_notifications
    .. thrown in /../wp-content/themes/kleo/lib/plugin-buddypress/menu-notifications.php on line 61




    Slug constants were deprecated in version 1.5 of BuddyPress (more than 10 years ago). We decided to remove them from BuddyPress 12.0.0 as it’s now very easy to customize slugs.

    Your error is interesting, if you look at it, you’ll see the theme kleo now generates this error while it wasn’t when BP Classic wasn’t active. It means kleo is not ready for BuddyPress 12.0.0 because it wasn’t loading his specific code as it was trying to do so too early (BuddyPress objects are defined once the WP_Query is parsed in 12.0.0, while it was a bit after init previously).

    So, I advise you to contact kleo so that they update their outdated theme.
    In the meantime, you can get rid of this error adding this to your wp-config.php file:

    define( 'BP_NOTIFICATIONS_SLUG', 'notifications' );



    Just a heads-up for the BBPress plugin subscribers regarding the pagination in admin groups, the page 2 url throws no error, but always shows page 1. As a consequence, a BP Classic installation is to be favoured for the time being.



    I have one more doubt , with new version it will store directory page fix I’d, I mean if I want to to delete your pages in buddypress directories post type and add my pages in that post type so it automatic take that as a perticular directory such as activity, group etc

    In short I want to import demo ,but in my XML file it already have buddypress directories pages and so I got two same names pages in buddypress I am confused which page I have to delete. Please reply me ASAP. Thank you



    Thanks alot




    After update 12.0 my site is not displaying any images. I installed BP classic and still nothing.

    Any help or solution?

    Ty in advance



    and also i want default on your screen options “buddypress directories” which is display on apperance->menu , so give me any title or slug .




    This will be fixed in next minor version (12.1.0). The tool to reset slugs will now delete buddypress post types that are not used for directory pages. See:

    For now you can look into your database {wp_table_prefix}options table the value of the option name 'bp-pages' to know the buddypress post type’s IDs that are used to display directories.



    I’m sorry @legiosmoke I can’t reproduce this issue, everything works fine on my side. Have you tried deactivating completely BuddyPress then BP Classic to see it this was fixing the issue?



    About @lmstearn’s issue, I’ll work on it from this GH issue:



    Thank you for your replay , you have any suggestion . i want to enable “Buddypress diectrory” screen options which display on top of apperance -> menu using code, not manually. so you can provide code or any suggestion for me.



    Hi Mathieu,

    When i disable buddypress my site works fine. I tried every possible combination of disable plugins but still nothing works :/ I’m using Astra theme and whole site is up to date.



    Hi @legiosmoke

    Thanks for your feedback. I’ll test the Astra Theme version that is available on the Theme directory to see if all images are disappearing once BuddyPress is activated.



    Anyone know how I can change the design of the registation page i.e making it look better on 11.40



    i want to set buddypress pages in menu such “activity , members, groups ” in demo import , but i cant do that currently . in your last version with dmo import i get your pages defaulty set in header menu. any solution you have for me? thank you in advance.

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