Emoji did not show up 🙂 Congraulations!
Having issues with pending users list……
I am currently using the GameDay theme and after installing buddypress I now have two pending lists when I go to my users. this is causing issues with my registration process. I tried switching themese and still have pending link show up twice.
I have attached a screenshot here. 
I also have deactived all other plugins except buddy press.
Can anyone help point me in the right direction as to what would be the cause here ?
Many thanks in advance
FYI i am using the lastest wp and 2.62 buddypress
wadece1979- You should start a new topic for your support request. In that topic, describe your WP setup (single site, multisite) and whether the problem persists if you use a different theme. Thanks!
how do you start a new topic ? only reason i entered it here I can’t figure it out 🙂
Visit a forum, like https://buddypress.org/support/forum/how-to/ and scroll to the bottom of the topic list. The new topic form should be down there.
After we upgraded to 2.6.2 yesterday, notifications of replies stopped working on group forums.
Hi Kineta-
Your best bet is to start a new topic for support with your issue. In that topic, it would be helpful to know which version of bbPress you’re using, what version of BuddyPress you upgraded from (to 2.6.2) as well as the usual stuff.