This upgrade crashed my site:
Om du søker hjelp med dette problemet kan du bli bedt om noe av følgende informasjon:
WordPress-versjon 5.7
Nåværende tema: BuddyApp Child (versjon )
Nåværende utvidelse: BuddyPress (versjon 7.3.0)
PHP-versjon 7.4.16
Detaljer om feilen
En feil av typen E_COMPILE_ERROR ble forårsaket i linje 458 i filen /home/2/g/georgernes/www/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/class-buddypress.php. Feilmelding: require(): Failed opening required ‘/home/2/g/georgernes/www/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-core/bp-core-wpabstraction.php’ (include_path=’.:/usr/share/php’)
Is there somewhere I can find 7.2.1 and reinstall it, please?
Hi @olamyklebost,
I’m sorry to read what happened to your site. I believe something went wrong during the upgrade process with the Plugins directory. I advise you to remove completely the BuddyPress plugin directory to reinstall a fresh download of the 7.3.0 package.
All previous BuddyPress versions can be downloaded from the advanced area of our plugin’s page on
You’ll find a dropdown control where you can choose the needed previous version. Before reverting I strongly encourage you to try again to download 7.3.0 from there and reinstall it.
The error message says a file is missing, but if you look into the 7.3.0 tag you’ll see the file the error is mentioning bp-core-wp-abstraction.php
is not missing into the tag:
I hope this will help you fix the issue.
Dear Mathieu, thank you very much for the advise. I tried deleting BP and reinstall 7.3.0, and it appeared to just work fine. Best regards Ola