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BuddyPress Links 0.2.1 released

  • @mrmaz


    I just tagged version 0.2.1 of BuddyPress Links which has an amazing new feature! You can now embed just about any web page as rich media, complete with a Facebook style “thumb picker.” It is now possible to use BuddyPress as a very fast and powerful media aggregator.

    I put together an overview and a screen cast on my new website :)

    Please post any bug reports or comments on this thread!

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  • @djpaul


    Really great to see this released MrMaz, well done.



    Very cool and well done!

    I watched the screen cast. It is interesting to see how quickly you can auto embed an external resource.



    Great! I’ve written a blog post about it;

    This plugin is extremely awesome indeed!



    amazing, seems food poisening does good things to you :D

    would it be possible to mash that with a bookmarklet? say i see something, click the bookmark and it gets added as a BP link?



    @MrMaz ! Excellente’ !!!!




    I just upgraded via the auto upgrade

    im on

    BP 1.1.2

    PHP 5.1.4

    and when im trying to create a link im geting:

    “Please fill in all of the required fields”

    Nothing I do to add a link seems to work

    any ideas?



    WOW! Very nice work MrMaz.



    wow! that looks cool Mr Maz

    keep up the good work :)



    Love it Mr. Mas, keep it going!



    agh.. i cant make this thing work..

    “Please fill in all of the required fields”

    is the message i get

    I have object cache installed does that make a difference?




    I have only tested the plugin on PHP 5.2 and higher, and there are a couple of required functions that only exists in 5.2 and up. I have implemented support for the internal WP object cache, but have not fully tested it myself.

    Is it possible for you to test in another environment with PHP 5.2 with object caching turned off?

    There was someone else a while back that was having a similar problem, but he did not follow up on the testing so not sure exactly what is going on.



    @MrMaz, very impressive and I’m wondering does it have a feature that streams in RSS/Atom feeds ? I mean when a user uploads to youtube / & flicker then it’s added in BPRC-link.

    Because I want it on the pro version?

    Support aggregator flickr photos and & youtube videos

    Some developer created one but not support any more:




    I sent you a PM with instructions for how to gather some data so I can look into your issue :)



    “No Thumbnail” text is not translatable on “/links/[some-slug]/admin/edit-details” page.

    I sent you a PM with the link to ru_RU.




    Thanks for the report on the non-translatable string. I will fix that asap.

    And also thank you very much for the RU translations. I just committed them to trunk.




    Спасибо, я только вчера сам задумался самостоятельно перевод сделать, а ты опередил меня. =)


    I have the same problem like as PH (porsche). My site works on WPMU 2.8.6 and BP 1.1.3. I sent you a PM with link to my phpinfo().



    TO: Anyone who is getting the “Please fill in all of the required fields” error after upgrading.

    I am 99% sure this is because you didn’t update the required links theme files in your theme.

    Triple check to make sure that you copy the /../plugins/buddypress-links/links directory into /../themes/bp-default/

    If your theme has a different name than bp-default, copy into that directory instead. If you customized the theme files, you should backup the exisiting folder BEFORE you copy.

    In the next version I am going to make the necessary changes so there doesn’t need to be any more of this pita copying of files every upgrade :)



    First of all, really nice plugin.

    My problem is that I’m using the Cosmicbuddy theme and it really doesn’t look good. For example, there is not create new link button in the profile, all the other link alternatives are there except from that one.

    If I instead go through the Buddypress menu I can create a link but the create-form needs some CSS-improvement.

    If anyone can help me out I’m willing to pay 30$ through Paypal. Contact me,, thanks!





    That create link should be showing up regardless of the theme, unless there is something with the cosmicbuddy theme that is modifying the profile menus.




    Ok, I see. I’ve attached two screenshots so you can see how it looks. and

    Would really appreciate your help. I can give you ftp-access if that would make it easier for you to help me. However, I understand if you don’t have time.

    Kind regards,





    It appears that your theme is not compatible with the links plugin. Your best bet is to contact the author of the theme for help or have them customize it for you.




    Thanks for pointing :)


    hi Daniel

    This is related to theme not to the bp-links plugin. If you feel comfortable with css/xhtml, just use plugin-template.php as a base and create all the files in links directory based on that.

    I am currently busy with a plugin and will be back to this theming again after that only, so if you can wait for 3-4 days, I will provide templates for bp-links/bp-events+updated cosmicbuddy for free [which I promised long ago there].

    Otherwise, if someone have already templated cosmicbuddy for bp-events/bp-links, please point here.





    Oh, that’s great news!

    Thanks Mr Maz and Brajesh.





    I also had the famous problem “Please fill in all of the required fields”. I use the bp-default theme that I customised a bit with a image slider using the jQuery Tools library.

    I found that there was a conflict betwen this library and the buddypress-links plugin. I solved quickly the problem with showing the slider only for people who are not logged in. I will try to find a better solution.

    I hope it helps.

    By the way, very great plugin!





    Thanks very much for that! This issue has been making me a bit crazy because I have found at least two ways for this problem to crop up.

    1. Not updating the theme files after upgrade.

    2. Trying to use BP Links with BP 1.2 (not supported yet)

    and now

    3. jQuery conflicts

    I would appreciate a PM with any more details you have on how to reproduce this jQuery conflict.

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