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BuddyPress Privacy: Can we get it in core?

  • modemlooper


    So @jeffsayre is releasing BP Privacy to the masses and asking for developers to take it over. I think this should just be added to BuddyPress core as it’s a too important feature that many if not every last BuddyPress site wants.


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  • Leah


    Don’t think there will be a public release. Better lobbying core devs for this.

    It’s not as if we aren’t aware.




    The latest update on the plugin release date was ‘I will be releasing the fully-functioning BP Privacy codebase over the next several days
    That was 10 days ago, fingers crossed we see it soon.


    Hi All, please wake up :-) I do not want to say this out loud.. but please.. for very obvious reasons .. no code is gong to appear.

    So..I would suggest we stop hanging on for something that is not going to come.. (I am not waiting to be proved wrong) and start developing a solution that serves the community. We can start small.. If we start integrating conditional filter functions into the ‘site wide’ posts that would be a start.

    This is the only post I am making on this. Fill in the blanks. Please PM me if your a developer and are interested in working through this problem.



    That’s the spirit. Perhaps ask core devs for some guidance to get it right from start., I’d still prefer to give this plugin the benefit of doubt. The developer has a good reputation here, if it stretches into more excuses of ‘one bug, new BP release, different licence…’ and so on though, I’d gladly help out with any solution you might have. PM me.

    question to @boonebgorges @DJPaul & @apeatling, do you think this plugins code will ever be released or incorporated into core?
    If not, are there any any other privacy options being worked on?



    I would forget bp-privacy and move on. There is this plugin as a start. Not sure if it works looks abandoned.

    @modemlooper it looks that way, just a pity as Jeff says he has put in over a years work & has tested on current versions of BP.
    It looked like an extremely promising plugin, can’t understand why he won’t let anyone see the code unless it never existed.
    He has held up the development of a working privacy component for over a year now.

    I’m closing this topic as picking on individuals is not acceptable on this site.



    can’t understand why he won’t let anyone see the code unless it never existed. He has held up the development of a working privacy component for over a year now.
    @joshua_d Move on. No use griping over what was. Look forward to what can be done.

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