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can a user enter his own password at registration?

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  • @fishbowl81


    It can, but the amount of spam accounts will increase dramatically. The reason for sending the account password via e-mail is to prevent spammers from simply entering a known username and password and creating 1000’s of spam blog posts on wordpress mu.

    I have a similar situation, where I have a current site with 15k users, username and passwords. What I used is this plugin. It works well on wordpress and buddypress.

    When a user logins, it checks my “other” database for the username, and validates the password against it. This means they don’t need to do the e-maiil thing, as their e-mail was already validated on the old site. It then creates the user in wordpress and the user doesn’t notice anything.

    How you could do this for your friends, just make a table of all the friends, and set the same password for everyone initially, and ask them to change it. I only suggest this for very small beta sites with friends you trust, like less then 10 people.




    thanks for the suggestions Brad. I should probably just work with it the way it is for now and update the page after someone registers to tell give them better instructions on checking their email for the password once they activate their account.





    There’s gotta be a way for a user to create his or her own password when registering. I know alot of people that have several specific passwords they use when joining sites. Having buddypress send one to you in the mail makes it more difficult for people to sign in once they’ve joined. I agree that it helps against spammers but I’ve got re-captcha hooked up and its working great!

    Any more suggestions? Does a plugin like Register plus work with buddypress and do this?

    thanks for your help



    you can add a action to do that, it is more simple you can think,

    Nicola Greco,




    Hi Nicola, you or anyone wouldn’t happen to have the code to do this…would you?

    Thanks for your help!



    i want this so bad omg, all my users are the type of people that dont realise that it sends you this stupid random password and that you have to login with it, and then theres changing it….

    i loose a lot of potential users this way just because they cant choose the password they want

    please help us out



    I’ve tried register-plus, but it seems it’s not compatible with wpmu. I’ve seen other plugins on wporg for letting users set their own passwords.



    yes, they are all incompatible though, i think the signup process is different, maybe one of these plugins could be modifyed to work for mu





    i was aware of this one, but i am not really interested in paying for it

    but this does show that it is possible



    Boy! I want this too!



    Letting users set their own passwords would be helpful.



    Hy everyone!

    I have latest trunks of wordpress mu, buddypress, bp-dev and signup-password plugin from

    The plugin doesn’t work. I have the password fields on my registration page but it still generates a random password on activation.

    How can i make it work?



    Yep, I found out the same. Doesn’t work anymore (although I saw there would be a new version of the plugin…)



    has anyone found a solve for this? it’s causing me massive problems – for some reason although the activation link emails are being sent, the password email is not, so users register, forget their password and are stuck

    if they could just set their own password at signup things would be a lot easier



    Since nobody has figured this out yet, I was wondering, maybe there might be a different way. Such as when people signup, it automatically logs them in upon signup. Then while it automatically logs them in, it leads them to the change the password/profile page.

    Although, it would be great to see buddypress profile section to actually have the option to change passwords, as right now we have no other choice but to edit the passwords in the wp profile area.

    Hopefully, somebody will get this figured out, as it is a horrible idea to send out e-mails in this manner, because most of the time the e-mail could get lost or placed into the spam areas or the e-mails can become delayed and users never check for it, or they just don’t bother to login because they are concerned that they may not have the option to change their passwords so readily.

    Time will tell. But, there needs to be a way to automatically log people in upon them creating their own account, then they can change their passwords as they like. Otherwise, if they don’t change their password right there upon auto login, they will still be e-mailed the password that the website created for them by default.



    Well,Now you can.You can allow your users to set their own password at signup.

    I just created this plugin for you all .have a look here

    Hope it helps.





    will this deactivate the activation email process?



    I have not tested it yet but I am guessing it sends the activation link anyway (since the author mentions that a random password will be generated if one is not provided) which is fine by me as it will help somewhat to thwart spammers.

    Brajesh, is there a way to have the user enter the password twice (like in other registration forms) to make sure it is entered correctly as the user wants?




    It will not stop activation mail.All things are same,except the password enter by the user is shown/sent at activation,if user does not enters a password,then a random generated password is sent to the user.


    you are right about activation.

    I agree with you on adding another password field for confirm password,will do it in the next version :)





    Hi Brajesh, which version of BudyPress your Cosmic BP plugin is compatible up to? Thanks!



    Hi, just FYI. Doesn’t seem to work with WPMU 2.8.6, BP 1.1.3. Perhaps the author will update.




    I had already resolved the issue for @fd, after her mail on my blog.

    This plugin is not for buddypress 1.1.x, It was pre 1.1, and still works with 1.0.3(if anyone uses that).

    buddypress 1.1 has the same functionality built in core.So, This plugin is not under active development anymore.

    hope It makes sense.



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