OK, I fixed that by myself 
Paul has a lot to do I guess… Right @DJPaul? 
OK @minniwelt I’m sure you’re expecting to see the fix. Here’s the solution:
In bp-activity-templatetags.php file, line 911, you’ll see that:
$title = trim( strip_tags( html_entity_decode( utf8_encode( $content[0] ) ) ) );
What causes the corrupted characters is “utf8_encode” thing. I’m already using my site as UTF-8. So second attempt for the UTF-8 might be the problem. I defined a new function for myself and problem solved. Put this function to your theme’s functions.php file:
//feed character correction function by alierkurt.net
function rssfeedcharcorrection() {
global $activities_template;
if ( !empty( $activities_template->activity->action ) )
$content = $activities_template->activity->action;
$content = $activities_template->activity->content;
$content = explode( ‘<span', $content );
$title = trim( strip_tags( html_entity_decode( $content[0] ) ) );
if ( ‘:’ == substr( $title, -1 ) )
$title = substr( $title, 0, -1 );
if ( ‘activity_update’ == $activities_template->activity->type )
$title .= ‘: ‘ . strip_tags( bp_create_excerpt( $activities_template->activity->content, 15 ) );
return apply_filters( ‘rssfeedcharcorrection’, $title );
add_filter(‘bp_get_activity_feed_item_title’, ‘rssfeedcharcorrection’);
That’s all! And let me know if this works for you too…
Wow! I’m becoming a better developer every single day
I think I’m gonna rock BP community soon…