Hi Chris, I am using Kieran O’Shea’s Calendar plugin. It works great on my site. You can visit Kieran’s site at http://www.kieranoshea.com/projects/calendar/
Kieran is really supportive of his plugin and usually responds promptly on his plugin support forums.
Thanks Eric. I’ll check this out. Do you have an example I can see of this working on a BuddyPress site?
There is also this commercial (€59,50) plugin buddyvents. But the testsite (http://test.shabushabu.eu/events/) shows up a lot of warnings which makes me think that the software is not stable (screenshot: http://i52.tinypic.com/5ydv0g.png).
So, yes you are right. There are some event plugins out there but none of them seems to be a good event solution. I used to think that eventpress had the best potential but it has not much evolved since the launch.
Sure Chris. You can check it out at http://sadiedeyscafe.com/calendar/
There’s a standard feature that I disabled. It offers users a pop-up of event info as they mouseover the calendar entries.
I believe the developer has upgraded the plugin to allow multiple calendars for one site, a calendar for each group. 
That’s not warnings, that’s me testing the API of Buddyvents (I’m the developer, by the way). What you see on the screenshot is actually a dumped query in JSON format, that your members could use to show events on their own website (doesn’t have to be WordPress).
test.shabushabu.eu always runs the latest development version, so some warnings might show up from time to time (especially if I happen to test things), but the current version is stable.
Here you have an example of the API at work (in XML):
@Travel-Junkie: that’s a great feature.. very promising!
Right now the API only supports getting the information, but eventually the API will let you post, delete and edit events, which will open up lots of possibilities for developers to interact with a Buddyvents installation.
Oh, my bad. Sorry for misunderstanding that message output.