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Filter activity by blog (or group)?

  • @nightlyfe


    I read over this but didn’t find a clear answer as to whether the activity stream can be filtered by blog.

    I’m mostly looking for the following in one list:

    ___ commented on post ___

    ___ posted ___ (post/page)

    All post-activity for all members of a blog who are Contributors or better, and all comment activity for all members in one list (with bp-avatars). I’d also like to be able to have tabs to filter one or the either (as well as additional items below).

    I’d also like to associate the blog with a group, so that it can incorporate the activity there as well (

    ___ joined (the group) ___

    ___ wrote ___ on the wire/wall

    etc.. The feed would still go on the blog.

    “Group wide activity” would ideally show blog-related activity across several associated blogs.

    The widget could then have the options:

    ( ) sitewide (global)

    ( ) this blog only

    ( ) this blog and the group ___

    ( ) this blog, the group ___ and all blogs in the group ___

    The last option would allow readers of blog X to see what is happening on blog Y from a filtered activity feed.

    What is possible (easy-ish) now with a little bit of code?

    What should I wait for the next point release?


    Always willing to $ponsor development if this is something you think you can code.

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