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Forum tags – I can add them, but can't see them

  • Dwenaus


    Does anyone know how to enable forum tags in BP 1.2? I can add them when I add a new topic, but I can’t see any way to display them or access them. I would love to know if they still work.

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  • Gene53


    Click on forums and you’ll see a tag cloud under your name. BTW, I wish there were a sidebar widget for this that would show this on every page.



    well look at that!

    I need to see a tag cloud in a group forum, but restricted for that group. Any one know of a plugin to do that?

    I guess I’ll try to write one if one doesn’t exist. I might work on a widget as well. But could be tricky seeing as the current code is ajax, and the widget can’t be ajax.



    I agree! I also wish there were a way to show the tag on the topic and add or edit the tag list too!



    Andy Peatling has said that better forum tag support is coming in the ‘next’ release of BP. This was right before 1.2.3 came out, so not sure he meant 1.2.4. But unless he has changed his mind, it is coming.



    Tangentially, I very much like how clicking on tags in the Forum view ajax-filters Forum threads to that tag. Very nice indeed.



    @stwc etivite (rich!) has a forum tag cloud in the sidebar of every page of his site ( I wonder if he’ll release this as a plugin (fingers crossed)…

    yes i taken the sidebar code for the heat_map and placed it into a simple widget and will add it to the forum extras plugin (unlike the widget for latest topics and forum index – not dynamic depending on what you are viewing – group, profile, etc)

    also a quick snip – if you want to display a a tag listing on your theme group/single/forum/topic.php file; add this code somewhere:

    <div id="topic-tags">
    <p><?php _e('Tags:'); ?></p>
    $ttags = bb_get_topic_tags( bp_get_the_topic_id() );
    if ( $ttags ) : ?>
    <?php bb_list_tags( 'topic='. bp_get_the_topic_id() .'tags='.$ttags ); ?>
    <?php else : ?>
    <p><?php printf(__('No <a href="%s">tags</a> yet.'), bp_get_forum_directory_permalink() . '/#tags' ); ?></p>
    <?php endif; ?>



    and also, there is no way to edit topic tags once you have added them. that field seems to be missing from the edit page.

    also, there are not enough do_action hooks in group/single/forum/topic.php to hook the above code in properly. (I’ve added trac request for this.)



    “there is no way to edit topic tags once you have added them … “

    I agree –

    In the meantime, I just added the necessary code and brought it over to my child theme.



    The only way you can edit or remove tags is via phpmyadmin in the wp_bb_terms DB table.

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