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Groupblog v1.3 (Adding members instantly) – Thanks Boone

  • @mariusooms


    This major update suffices an announcement since it incorporates code provided by Boone! One major flaw the plugin had was that members were not added to blog initially, but only after visiting the blog.

    Thanks to Boone, now users are added instantly. As well all members are updated when the group admin alters the groupblog permissions as set in the admin.

    Other things we implemented are when members get promoted, demoted, banned and unbanned, role permissions are applied accordingly.

    It should be available in the WP repository shortly.

    Coming in the next update is alleviation of blog name restrictions. Since buddypress allows dashes in the group url’s, so should the groupblogs. Currently WPMU strips the dashes. Furthermore we well lower the minimum character amount from 4 to 2, since many groups are created using abbreviations. Look for these changes in the next updates!

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  • @boonebgorges


    Very glad to see you incorporate the code, Marius. Three cheers for collaboration!



    The add members default doesn’t seem to be working, as I’m selecting Contributor and it’s still coming up Subscriber. Could this be because the buttons are messed up? Under Default Moderator Role it lists Editor and Author twice and then the button for Contributor (for Default Member Role) is on the moderator line.



    Is this on the new buddypress theme? Not sure what the reason is that the buttons are messed up. Can you provide a link?



    Hi Marius – I have a question. I just uploaded a fresh copy of Groupblog, deactivated the plug-in, reactivated it and then went to check it on the site. I’m seeing the groupblog content inserted on the group home page – I had created two posts prior to the upgrade which are still visible, but when I click the “blog” link in the menu, I get a page not found error.

    I thought maybe I had to move the page templates into my theme but that didn’t change anything.

    If you want to take a look, you can hit the group directly with this link.

    It’s the “Blog” link in the tabbed menu at the top of the content area that’s causing me the trouble, even tho clearly the plug-in is inserting the groupblog data in the areas below it.

    PLEASE NOTE: That site is full of dummy data to make development easier. If necessary, you can create an account if it helps. I have that enabled.



    Thts the same issue I get, no pages, it just takes me to the front page. My post is here



    Hum… never mind Marius, I just realized Groupblog is using the plug-in page template and I hadn’t copied that into my theme yet.



    @Suzanne I’m glad you figured it out. If you wish to use your own template, have a look at the code between lines 730-780 of bp-groupblog.php. This does however require you to create a new theme file and stick that in the theme folder, but in turn gives you more freedom for markup. Let me know if you need more help with that or if the plugin template is sufficient.

    @1stAngel I will continue support on your issue at the link you provided.



    Sweet thanks for the tip about the custom theme file.



    @Mariusooms, this is a great plugin and thanks for creating it. One question though; I see that the plugin gives you the url of the blog that will be created: Will there be a conflict in creating the blog if you WPMU install is setup for subdomains? Thanks.



    I’ve heard one confirmation that it works fine with subdomains. It will just create instead. Let me know if you run into any trouble.




    I’m having an issue where when I go to the blog link on my menu bar, it appends whatever link I’m going to. For instance, if I click on the blah group, the url is If I then click on the profile page, my new url is now, click on events and then it’s Have you ever seen this before and any idea what I need to do to fix it? This is exactly the plugin I need but for my site.




    @Mariusooms, it works greats and their is no issue with the subdomains. However, I noticed that you would have to save the first check box before the next one (or radio buttons) was a available, and so on. Not a big deal but is this the normal behavior of the plugin? If I am not making any since, please let me know and I will clarify. Thanks again for your help.



    Hi, I have now changed to BP 1.2 and am wondering if this works on that? I gave up on the last one as I just could not get it to work at all. However I did have problems with other things too so in the end I dont think it was anything your plugin was doing :-(



    @1stAngel; Groupblogs is not presently compatible with wpmu (for many). At the very least you’ll need to add the code mentioned in the middle of the linked topic below. That may, or may not help as results seem to vary. For me (with bp1.1.3) new group members are not automatically becoming blog members unless I promote them to Mods or Admins. Hopefully once bp 1.2 is stable the plugin can be updated to work well with 1.2 and wpmu 2.9.1.+:



    Ah….As I am not very good with codes I’d best leave it alone until such time as it is compatible. Thanks for that I appreciate it! :)



    I”m running BP 1.2.4, WPMU 2.9.9 and Groupblog 1.4.4, and I’m not seeing this instantaneousness:

    Here’s my process. User Requests Membership. Membership is Granted. User goes to the group profile page, then clicks on the Blog link. I have that blog link on the group profile page set to automatically go to the Blog front page, rather than the themed bp stream (if it matters, this is a P2 themed blog).

    At this point user is looking at the groupblog, but is not logged into it yet (cannot post). Meta is available on the sidebar so they attempt to log in and get redirected to their other, previously established blog (which wpmu does when you attempt to sign in on a blog you don’t have access to). They sign in (to the other blog, although that can’t help, but perhaps they don’t notice that the subdomain has changed on the wp-login.php page) then sign out, then go back to the group profile page, click on the Blog link again, and the User is already signed into the groupblog and can post. It looks like it’s working, but the blog still doesn’t show up in the buddybar (default role is author).

    Is this the process? Can it be streamlined somehow? Am I doing something incorrectly?

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