There are a few rules you will probably want to follow if you want help on these forums:
– Please don’t call out every notable user by name. Use the @-mention system for drawing someone’s attention to an item when it’s relevant to them. To flag everyone down every time you have a problem has the potential to be quite annoying.
– Make your forum post titles descriptive. Almost everyone in this forum is looking for help; naming your topic ‘HELP’ does not help anyone else to know what your problem is. Also, no need for all the exclamation points.
– Please give as much information as you can about your installation. You are apparently not running the latest stable version of BP (1.2.
, as line 432 of bp-core-signup.php in BP 1.2.8 does not have a reference to bp_core_signup_user(): Try upgrading to the most recent version of the software, or at least providing more details about your installation: WP/BP versions, other plugins you are running, etc.
@apeatling, @johnjamesjacoby, @djpaul, @MrMaz, @jeffsayre, @boonebgorges, @r-a-y, @nuprn1, @hnla, @modemlooper, @andrea_r, @gunju2221, @mercime, @crashutah, @StevieG, @pollyplummer, @dwenaus, @erich73, @slaFFik, @xberserker, @ewebber, @Aces
Ok thanks for the tip, i’ll try to upgrade
So why after Boone asked you not to @mention everyone under the sun do you go and do it again? and I have remarked on this on another thread, do stop it and for a little light bedtime reading please have a look at this RFC on forum, list, board nettiquette for guidance
@xxxxx Stop notification spamming. Consider this your third (and final?) warning.
@apeatling, @johnjamesjacoby, @djpaul, @MrMaz, @jeffsayre, @boonebgorges, @r-a-y, @nuprn1, @hnla, @modemlooper, @andrea_r, @gunju2221, @mercime, @crashutah, @StevieG, @pollyplummer, @dwenaus, @erich73, @slaFFik, @xberserker, @ewebber, @Aces
Sorry Paul. [Image removed – mod]
Now I got the finger on my profile
Mod alert, Mod alert!
Closing this thread. @xxxxx I think you have exceeded your warnings, lord knows why you continue to post those @mentions but you really should take heed when three moderators make direct comment.