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how to add new members to groups automatically?

  • @5high


    Hi there,

    (w/p = 4.1; buddypress = 2.1.1; s2member = 150203)

    I see it’s been asked before, but the suggestions I’ve found have only lead to out-of-date plugins, and I don’t want to base my new site on a plugin that may well be completely unsupported within a few months.

    my aim: I’d like to ensure that all new members are signed up automatically to at least one group, if not to all 3 groups, so they can immediately be part of a small community.

    Is there a way I can add some code into either a BP file or my (child) theme files to do this? I realise that I would have to be careful with updates, so perhaps a child theme functions.php file or similar? (I know the basics of code and how to insert in different files, but have very little knowledge of php, hooks etc so would need help with the exact code for this.)

    All help much appreciated.

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  • @modemlooper


    did these plugins not work?

    or function

    function automatic_group_membership( $user_id ) {
       if( !$user_id ) return false;
       groups_accept_invite( $user_id, $group_id );
    add_action( 'bp_core_activated_user', 'automatic_group_membership' );



    Neither of these plugins have been updated in over 2 years (according to w/p plugin directory), and I’m currently testing the BuddyPress Registration Groups plugin, but again it hasn’t been updated in ages, and although it works well, it has some styling issues that aren’t being addressed as yet.

    So… I was looking how to do this myself with the code – the function code you gave above, which php file should I add it into? And does this code mean that all new members would be automatically added to all groups?

    Thanks for your help with this – much appreciated.



    You could add a snippet of code like that to the bp-custom.php file. This file isn’t there by default so you might not have one yet, but you can create it if you have FTP access to your site. It should be placed in the wp-content/plugins directory.

    You can read more about it here:

    If you are creating it for the first time, remember to include a the <?php tag on the first line before the function @modemlooper has provided for you here.



    Hi @mrjarbenne,

    Thanks so much for helping – I’ve only just found your reply (don’t know what happened to the email notification this time). Anyway, I’ve added it into my bp-custom.php as suggested and Bingo! it works brilliantly. just tried a new test member and I’m instant joined to all 3 of my groups!

    Thanks so much for this. Just for clarity for others this is the code i used as per @modemlooper info above:

    function automatic_group_membership( $user_id ) {
       if( !$user_id ) return false;
       groups_accept_invite( $user_id, $group_id );
    add_action( 'bp_core_activated_user', 'automatic_group_membership' );

    I have left the spacing exactly as he’d done, just in case… but maybe I could get rid of some of the extra spaces in it?

    Cheers šŸ™‚



    Will any of these solutions work if you want to define the group based on email addresses?

    I need to define school names and if the school name is in the email address (upon registration) the person will be auto joined to group. Any help would be appreciated, I am at a stand still.



    I think Group-O-Matic could do this. You would need to setup some kind of pattern matching for the school names.



    Thanks for the response. I have group-o-matic but the problem is only ONE rule can be defined. Any idea what code I could add to make more then one rule?



    Hi all,

    I have a question that takes this a bit further. Is anyone aware of a way that each registered user will be assigned to their own group. Means that with each registered user, their own group will be automatically created and the user will be added to it.





    Or do you mean create a group for each new user ? So if you have 100 registration, you would have 100 groups ? Huh…



    I am curious. I am using auto group join plugin but wondering if suing the snippet in bp-custom.php might help with speed on the site reducing plugin loads?



    @earl_D – I’ve been using this code for a year now and it works instantly.

    However I’ve just found an option to add to groups automatically via my membership plugin (s2member framework) by adding some extra code/php file. And as my registration form is the membership form (and is fully integrated with BP) I’m trying this one too.

    Here’s the info about it in the s2member knowledge base:

    So my question now is: which is the better way to do this? Via the bp-custom.php or via the s2member s2-bp-groups.php method?

    Maybe someone very up on code/BP/site load order would be able to advise?

    Cheers – and good luck earl_d!



    @5high I have come across that code but didn’t know if it would be appropriate since I am not using s2 membership plugin.
    one quick question. Where do you put the group you want joined. Is it as simple as replacing the $group_id string with the group id number?

    Thanks for the feedback and assistance.



    @earl_d I actually wanted all my members to be auto added to all 3 of my groups so I didn’t have to look into that option. I’m a real newbie with php so I’m afraid I can’t help you with this – sorry šŸ™
    But maybe @modemlooper could as he provided the original code?… Good Luck! j



    @5high thanks for the response




    For a newbie like me, could I kindly ask to see how the code:

    function automatic_group_membership( $user_id ) {
    if( !$user_id ) return false;

    groups_accept_invite( $user_id, $group_id );
    add_action( ‘bp_core_activated_user’, ‘automatic_group_membership’ );

    As its supposed to look so its ready for use in bp-custom.php

    Kind regards and have a nice Sunday.



    First you are creating a custom function called automatic_group_membership() this takes one parameter $user_id.

    This function terminates if there is no $user_id provided, meaning you don’t run rogue code and your site is more optimised.

    When a $user_id is present the groups_accept_invite() function is run. This function is a BuddyPress core function you can find it in wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-groups/bp-groups-functions.php on line 1400.

    It accepts two parameters a $user_id and a $group_id. You need both in order to create the relationship.

    This function is “hooked” with add_action() which is a WordPress core function. This function add_action() has many hooks available for various situations. You can read more about hooks here

    Essentially it’s an opportunity to run your own code against WordPress core, or in this case BuddyPress core. BuddyPress provides the hook and we use them to achieve cool things.

    So the hook in this case is bp_core_activated_user and the code we want to run when this hook is available would be the customer function automatic_group_membership which is passed as a second parameter.

    I’m not sure where the $user_id gets populated along the way here, nor the $group_id maybe someone can help?

    Otherwise, I would do this not on activation but when a user has logged in for the first time.

    Then we have access to global $bp which contains a loggedin_user->id which can be used with this function and you could manually set the $group_id in bp-custom.php



    I was trying to achieve the same thing, but with users created in the admin backend. Took me a while to figure out that bp_core_activated_user doesn’t fire on admin user creation. In case anybody’s looking, the user_register hook worked for me instead.



    hi there,
    may i ask someone to help me with a mod of this script?

    i would need to autojoin my users who register a site/blog on my buddypress multisite install to a specific group (group for bloggers).

    how can i filter the script to only autojoin them?

    thanks a lot for your help!
    br, eric



    Hello, thank you all for this information, it’s come in handy!
    I am looking to have users added to one of 4 groups depending on an outcome landing page. Do you know if there’s a way to apply this code run on a specific page, and enter the user into a specific group?

    Thank you



    Hi @modemlooper @5high

    Thanks for this snippet to auto add users, and for confirming it works.

    Unfortunately – it did not work for me. Pasted the snippet into bp-custom.php but..nothing.

    I am on BP 5.1.2 – could it be an issue with the new versions? I also tried with the user_register hook as suggested by @coreyff but that too didnt work.

    Am i missing anything to be done apart from copying the snippet EXACTLY as done above (eg group IDs to be set etc?)

    thanks for your suggestions. Vivek



    Same problem here. And I note that the buddyboss “auto join” plugin has also been dropped by devs due to knew buddypress version (although you can still download it…)



    Iā€™m not sure where the $user_id gets populated



    The following code works for me:

    function automatic_group_membership( $user_id ) {
       if( ! $user_id ) { 
    	   return false;
       groups_invite_user( array( 'user_id' => $user_id, 'group_id' => $group_id ) );
    add_action( 'bp_core_activated_user', 'automatic_group_membership' );
    add_action( 'user_register', 'automatic_group_membership' );

    You need to replace $group_id with the ID of the group you want to assign users to.
    I have not tested the code when inviting members as a non-admin. That might be a limitation. There is an optional is_confirmed argument that can be submitted with groups_invite_users. Maybe, setting it to true helps in such cases.

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