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How to filter extended profiles fields editings?

  • contoaberto


    Is there a way to filter the content of the fields editted by users in their profiles?

    I want to have some fieds like “alternate email”, “real name” or “social security number”. The first one needs to check if the field really contains an email. The second needs to be limited for 80 characters. And the third needs to have only numbers.

    Wondering if those things are possible with extended profiles… Someone can help me???

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  • contoaberto


    #help! please!






    No, they’re not possible. Xprofile is an underdeveloped mess with low priority in the roadmap. There is also zero privacy/security in Buddypress, so storing social security numbers is asking for trouble.

    Boone Gorges


    Actually, it is possible to do this kind of verification. There’s just no UI for it.

    Look in buddypress/bp-xprofile/bp-xprofile-classes.php, method BP_XProfile_ProfileData::save(). There is an action hook ‘xprofile_data_before_save’ that happens (you guessed it) before the save. You could hook a custom filtering function to this action and validate your data that way.

    @peterverkooijen said; “There is also zero privacy/security in Buddypress”. Care to expand upon that Peter? Our site isn’t ‘open for business’ yet, but when it is our members will expect some privacy, ie., profile stuff set to private and private group posts actually being private. Are you saying it can’t/won’t be properly private?



    hi, Boone Gorges,

    Thank u very much for the info. But I have to confess I’m very much a newbie to understand what I might have done. Would you mind please explain a bit more – maybe in a dummie way? :)




    Its better to notify using @mention feature.So that you will get your reply faster and also the notification goes to the user you intended to ask.Anyways I will do it for you.

    hi, Boone Gorges,

    Thank u very much for the info. But I have to confess I’m very much a newbie to understand what I might have done. Would you mind please explain a bit more – maybe in a dummie way?



    Thank u very much.

    Would u please help? Thank u in advance.



    The present profile field visibility settings are not at all good and not working also.

    When we allow users to change the visibility it is changing the default visibility to ANYONE which is not at all useful.

    We cannot expect a user to change each and every fields visibility while he is filling up the registration form.. I hope the owners of buddypress look into this BUG which is seriously a issue for privacy of users,, and if there is some other plugging which can add some privacy strictly please do mention them here.

    And I am expecting @boonebgorges reply for this Bug as I guess he is one of the most best plugin developer in buddypress

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