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How to viewing profiles

  • GT Director


    I know this might sound silly to everyone, but for the life of me, I can’t figure out how to view profiles on my site.

    Instinctively, my thought is to click onto the icon of a member and see their profile (as I did with my own). However, when I did none of the profile fields I just created through “Settings” are displaying.
    – Instead, I am seeing a photo that I never uploaded as a profile image, (it’s using the image that I uploaded as a profile image for “WordPress”);

    – It’s showing my full name rather than the “username” I wanted to display;

    – I’m getting: “Activity > Profile > Notifications > Friends > Groups > Settings > View > Edit > Change Avatar ” rather than the list of fields I just created for profiles.

    – When I click onto the word “View” all I get is the word “Base” and the a single default field “Name” which shows my full name.

    After adding the new profile fields, I looked for a place to save all my edits and there was none – leaving me to think all new edits where instantly saved. Yet when I try to look up my profile, nothing displays. I wish this were easier. I thought it might be the default setting for profiles and I needed to refresh the page, but no matter how many times I refresh my page, I still don’t get any of the profile fields I just created. Please help!!!!

    (I’m using WordPress v3.4.4 and BuddyPress v2.0.1)

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  • GT Director


    UPDATE: okay guys, I figured out that I needed to click onto the word “Edit” and fill out the new fields to see them displayed in my new profile – after clicking the word “View”. But there is no way to change the stupid avatar.

    What is the simple way to click onto a user profile link (when a user wants to view their own profile – not the profiles of other users), view just their own information and edit it?? We have to click a “Members” page, search for our personal profile and try to access it that way?

    Why is there no “Profile” page listed among the “Pages” portion of this plugin???? That would be an easy, self-explanatory page that we could preview to see how profiles appear to all users, decide which fields to display or rearrange fields. Change avatars, etc. Why is this program not that simple? What am I missing?



    You wrote:

    (I’m using WordPress v3.4.4 and BuddyPress v2.0.1)

    Buddypress v2.0.1 requires at least wordpress 3.6 – see

    GT Director


    I’m very sorry. This is all so confusing for me – I didn’t realize that there was a difference between the WordPress “Dashboard”, (which is the v3.4.4 that I initially referred to when I started this thread) and the “WordPress” that I have installed (Which is v3.9.1). This version of WP should be more than compatible. 🙂 Please help me understand why I cannot upload or crop avatar images. Thank you for your help.



    Why is there no “Profile” page listed among the “Pages” portion of this plugin???? … Please help me understand why I cannot upload or crop avatar images.

    RE Profile pages missing: probably theme issue or BP missing files in upload. So Change to the Twenty Fourteen theme to see if issue is resolved. If not, keep Twenty Fourteen activated and re-upload BuddyPress plugin manually.
    RE cannot upload or crop avatar uploads: Did you enable avatar uploads in Settings > BuddyPress > Settings?

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