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I have been using BuddyPress and I have some complaints to lodge

  • Boone Gorges


    I’d like to clear the air with some of the things that have been bothering me lately about BuddyPress and the forums:

    a) Privacy is obviously the most important feature of any so-called “social networking” software. How could the developers of BuddyPress even consider releasing the software without it?

    b) When I post something on this board, I expect to get a response within 10-15 minutes. If not, BUMPSVILLE.

    c) Rich media is obviously the most important feature of any so-called “social networking” software. How could the developers of BuddyPress even consider releasing the software without it?

    d) Some of the plugins that are in the WordPress repository and tagged BuddyPress are not perfect. One of them even made my site crash once. Seriously, plugin developers, it doesn’t make you look very good when your software isn’t absolutely perfect. If I’m paying $0 for your work, I expect that stuff to be Pristine.

    e) Group-independent forums are obviously the most important feature of any so-called “social networking” software. How could the developers of BuddyPress even consider releasing the software without it?

    f) BuddyPress does not have all the features of Facebook, Twitter, Ning, Orkut, MySpace, AOL, Altavista, Usenet. Please consider adding them soon.

    g) Sometimes there is a bug in the software and it takes too long to get it fixed in an official release. Please release versions closer together.

    h) Sometimes when the core software is updated too quickly, plugin and theme developers do not have time to catch up and it breaks my site. Please release versions farther apart.

    i) The ability to invite people from my Facebook network and my email address book is obviously the most important feature of any so-called “social networking” software. How could the developers of BuddyPress even consider releasing the software without it?

    j) Happy April Fools Day

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  • r-a-y


    All logical complaints!

    That’s it! I quit!

    Btw, happy April Fools day yourself! ;)

    Another April Fools joke by the Joomla team:



    Here’s one most of us all wish were true:

    Plenta™ (128 fl oz) and Micra™ (2 fl oz) cups arrive in Starbucks stores this Fall. Derived from Italian word for plentiful or small, the Plenta™ delivers coffee lovers record amounts of the world’s finest coffee beverages while the Micra™ delivers a quick and satisfying morsel of goodness.



    very funny..however slightly on target on point “a”. Privacy for private areas needs to be better.

    c) Rich media is obviously the most important feature of any so-called “social networking” software. How could the developers of BuddyPress even consider releasing the software without it?

    this I can’t understand as well. How can you call BuddyPress “social networking” software without the ability of adding photos&videos? Activity streams are nice but worth nothing without sharing photos and videos.

    Jeff Sayre


    Regarding point “A”, I’ve decided that privacy is overrated, that only those who are losers and morons would dare ask for such an anti-establishment type of tool. If Mark Zuckerberg doesn’t think privacy matters anymore, then who am I to disagree with a social-network god that controls the lives of–ah, I mean graciously provides a gathering place to–a third of a billion people.

    Therefore, this morning I deleted all of my source files for the BuddyPress Privacy Component on my private repository and then put on my best suit of magnets and rolled around in my server room. And, just to make sure all that nasty privacy code was expunged from my network, I set my computers on fire while simultaneously striking them with a 20-lb sledgehammer.

    If you want privacy, don’t sign up for a social network. If you believe in freely-sharing all the intimate details of your life–which of course you should because this is the way the world is heading–then accept the Facebook neural implant and merrily post away.



    “If you believe in freely-sharing all the intimate details of your life” … get a Twitter account. LOL



    i need an ali baba cavern plugin for yesterday and as future enhancement i’m expecting a “good (open source ) coffee” widget , maybe for tomorow evening.

    How could the developers around BuddyPress even consider releasing the software without this ?

    f) BuddyPress does not have all the features of […] Usenet.

    – – –

    I would like to see more Gopher features! Hypertext is sooooooo 1994.



    I have been using BuddyPress for some time now and wondering why there are still no plugin-developers who are capable of writing a proper plugin that will make me generate money. Well you guys are talking about rich media features, but I did not recognize any of this in my income stream yet, far from talking about becoming rich !???

    I am spending many hours each day looking into the TRAC-system to see if there is anything coming up like this in the Core-Code for the next release. If you did not consider the “becoming rich feature” yet, please make sure you include it in your next feature-poll ! I am sure it will be the most asked for feature on your list.

    Well, there should be at least a hook to plug into my users bank-accounts (make sure Privacy works for that as my bank is located in Switzerland, thinking about moving towards Cayman though).

    Could you please provide at least a code-snippet (I have seen this before on those forums) which will make BP also hook into the bank-accounts for not-logged-in users ?

    Well, there are many internet-companies out there making billions of $$$ and their CEOs becoming famous. Please code something like this as this should be really Core.

    If you are a freelancer plugin developer, I will donate $18 (a one-time fee only, I do not like subscription-fees as those are a ripp-off) if you are able to make me $ 1 billion.

    I am sure there are talented people out there who would like to show their skills. Hey there are 17-year old kids who became billionairs by writing a few lines of code, you guys are for sure older and still did not manage to write a properly working “becoming-rich-plugin” ???



    Over on the IRC BP Developers Channel it has just been announced that development for BuddyPress has ceased and that Automattic has put the code up for sale to the lowest bidder. This is due to the recent dissillusionment of all core developers and bp plugin authors by pushy and obnoxious users. RIP BP!



    I have completed BuddyPress Multi-User. This will allow you to install BuddyPress only once and allow numerous and distinct BP communities within one WPMU installation. Only $500 per installation of BPMU with six months support for a limited time. I reserve the right to refuse to sell BPMU plugin at my discretion.



    Hah! I started reading, then looked to see it was Boone that posted it, then kept reading and wondering what the heck was going on, then remembered it was April 1st.

    Well played.

    Mike Pratt


    I wanna know why BP fails to work properly when I don’t follow the detailed instructions laid out on this site and thoroughly discussed in the forums? I mean, the hallmark of good software development is the creation of code that works when you don’t follow the instructions. Duh.

    Andrea Rennick


    I love you guys.

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