Images allowed
Its hard to believe that with all the brains that are in these forums, that no one has come up with a way to allow or enable images in posts, wire, status….anywhere. Or it is just not being shared freely.
I mean absolutely no offense to anyone what so ever. This is an amazing place to learn great info, which I have done in the last few weeks and extensively modified the way my site looks and functions. I just really think that someone in here must have a way to allow images, youtube videos and so on…Come on guys I know the brains are in here
You assume people are trying. I’m not at all certain that that’s the case. (I sure wouldn’t want it on my site.)
As far as ‘anywhere’ goes, you might want to take a look at this.
Nicola Greco developed a series of plugins months ago that tied existing media accounts into your BuddyPress profiles, but I haven’t heard much of them as of late.
With WordPress just now starting to fill its own shoes in terms of its media library, BuddyPress won’t really start to flex those muscles until WordPress is more capable at its core.
Hi stwc,
I did look at that previously, but it really doesn’t do what Im wanting to do. There have been many posts on here about allowing things like youtube and such, with people saying that it can be done. There is a lot of interest in this feature. Most social sites allow this and it is one of the biggest draws to get users, life doesn’t live in just text to most.
I have tried what some say works with no luck. In those posts everyone else trying the same thing has no luck. I know that the limitation is due to the tags being stripped and the allowed tags. But even when define custom allowed tags in the kses, it still doesnt allow objects, or embedding of any type. I do know that some would not want this feature, but I also know that many many do…
Agreed, the lack of images in the activity stream, wire and forums is driving me bonkers as well.
As far as I can tell, there is only a handful of capable developers here. Themers more so, but the availability of people that code this are very limited. Unfortunately these requests seem to fall on deaf ears.
In that sense BuddyPress is not even close to being a real contender amongst other social open source packages. I hate to say it, but it is true.
On the flipside, BP is young and a lot could happen in year. Somehow though this feature has never been able to be made a priority. Which is a shame, since with thousands of users generating pages full of text is just plain boring.
I love BuddyPress, but definitely feel your pain.
Hey Marius,
you sure are a great developer, as you have improved the code for the BP-Event-plugin, etc.
Are you able to help on such media-features as well ?
I do hope the BP-Event-plugin (or any other Event-code) will make it into the core-code (like in a way that the admin can switch this feature on when he needs it…..)
InactiveMy Buddypress community (4500 members!) is asking for images for month now.
I patched BP with a filter to allow HTML tags in forums, and they use image hosting services, but with a lot of pain!
Native images capability in BP would make BP the best platform ever!
I would have to think that there is an actually way to allow the tags for video embeding, even if its modifying the core (which I know is not suggested) but would be very helpful.
InactiveAs far as allowing certain tags in various components, have a look at the filters files in the various components folders. Pick the filter you want to get rid of (strip_tags for example) and then just add a remove_filter call to your functions.php file.
It’d be a very good idea to write your own function that adds some kind of security back in, though. You don’t want to leave your front door wide open…
Thanks Travel-junkie! I was able to make that work in the status! One more questions if I could…is there a way for instance, if someone embeds a youtube video that I can force the size?
the only real issue I am having now besides the size which is minor, is that it is posting the video twice…any ideas?
InactiveYou could write a plugin that does the embedding for you. You could provide your users with a shortcode that only takes the video url as an argument. Something like this:
[youtube url=""]
Then you could set a width in the plugin code.
Thats a little beyond my ability any idea why it would be posting them twice?
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