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Insert or embed video

  • bbrian017


    Normally when adding a new post beside the Insert custom character there is a Insert or embed video option.

    With buddy press this is not present.

    how do I turn it on?



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  • danbpfr


    wpmu admin -> general settings -> options -> upload media button

    D Cartwright


    Plus, in WPMU 2.9.x you’ll be able to embed much easier by simply posting video links (for supported sites)



    I have selected all three check boxes yet there is no Insert or embed video option beside the Insert custom character like in the wordpress default installation.

    Is it not available for wpmu?

    So far I have tested I can only add video links….



    Of course it is ! Did you refresh your page ?

    When on “create a post” you have all the usal insert buttons and above there is a line with the media insert buttons.

    At the beginning of the line is written something like “add a media”… buttons are grey so it could be possible you think they are not activated ! But they are !

    D Cartwright


    It’s not very obvious to be honest – the buttons appear above the tinymce editor box, not where all the usual rich editing buttons are.



    These options don’t allow you to INSERT MEDIA

    My members want to add you tube links.

    Normally when adding a new post beside the “””Insert custom character””” there is a Insert or embed video option.

    Right now there is no Insert or embed video option

    Please advise on how to get this.

    The grayed out images only allow you to link to a video or upload a video.



    Could they… as an interim measure (not sure what the issue is)… simply switch to HTML view in TinyMCE and paste the YouTube embed code?



    I think the better question is why is the option missing anyways?

    There’s a solution but it’s not available in wpmu? The Insert or embed video option worked amazing.

    D Cartwright


    install vipers video quick tags I guess



    What D Cartwright said. Even after you’ve upgraded to WPMU 2.9 rc-1 where you can just paste on the YouTube link in Write/Edit panel, Vipers Video Quicktags help you add more customizations to your video, should you choose to.



    Vipers Video Quicktags is really nice!

    Great suggestion thanks.



    I agree, Vipers Quicktags is a great plugin. It works just dandy in BP1.2beta, and you can use the shortcode in the sidebar text widget with any parameters to adjust.

    But as far as I get it vipers Quicktags doesn’t work, so that members can embed videos in the activity-stream/updates, right? –> that would be really cool!!!

    I just found out, that it works ALMOST…

    When I post an update with a youtube-shortcode it first shows just the shortcode. But when I refreash the whole page, it shows me the youtube-video-picture – although it’s only the link, not the player. I guess there is some conflict with bp1.2-stream?

    Flash tells me “Please enable Javascript and Flash to view this Flash video.”

    But it is already a little closer :-)

    Ps: I know there is the BP-LInks Plugin, which is really cool… But why having a seperate “thing”, when it could be “embedded” in the normal activity-stream?

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