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Installation problems

  • shonesss


    Hello, I’ve had a good look in this forum but I don’t see the exact problem I’m having.

    I have an existing wordpress site with a customised theme. I have installed Buddypress as a plugin but the installation wizard does not show up on the top of the page and the set-up tabs are limited. Screen shot here

    The permalink setting is custom

    I thought I’d plough on ahead anyway so I installed Buddypress Template Pack to make it more compatible with the existing theme. It sort of worked. The pages – members, groups, activity – show within the existing template but no buddypress navigation shows so its impossible to use.

    I’ve tried uninstalling everything and reinstalling but the installation wizard doesn’t show leaving the set-up incomplete.

    I cant change the template prior to instal because this will mess with the entire existing site. Any help would be appreciated….

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  • @mercime


    @shonesss WP/BP versions?

    but the installation wizard does not show up

    There is no longer an Installation Wizard since BP 1.7, so no worries.

    I thought I’d plough on ahead anyway so I installed Buddypress Template Pack

    As of BP 1.7, BuddyPress is compatible with nearly all WordPress themes, which means you do not need to install/activate the BuddyPress Template Pack plugin.

    no buddypress navigation shows so its impossible to use.

    Go to Appearance > Menus, then add the BuddyPress Pages to your custom menu.

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