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Installing Themes and Activating Forums

  • Grow Stories


    I have two issues right now.

    1. I just installed and activated a theme that appears to be a WordPress and not a BuddyPress theme. Now when I try to go to my page it is showing up as a blank white page.

    2. Before that happened, I had a BuddyPress theme that was working fine. All of the pages worked accept forums. After activating the forums, I received a blank white page for forums.

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  • @mercime


    1. If you install a WP theme, you need to install BP Template Pack plugin to integrate BP component magic into your WP theme.

    2. Which BP theme was that and is that theme updated for current BP version?
    Did you follow internal or external forums set up in this article

    Grow Stories



    1, Where do I get the BP Template Pack Plugin? Do I install the Template Pack Plugin through the FTP.
    2. The theme showed up when I searched for BuddyPress and it was called Suffusion theme by Sayontan Sinha. It will not let me into Dashboard to reset the theme. Is there a themes folder I can remove by FTP and reset to default?


    In theory you can deactivate any plugin or theme simply by renaming it via ftp or other means.



    suffusion doesn’t use the BP template pack plugin as it has it’s own:

    Grow Stories


    I have removed the suffusion theme folder, which was installed in the wp-themes folder and re-installed the bp-default folder into the bp-themes folder and now I am getting a plain white screen when I login. There is nothing. I cannot even see the main page. Do I have to re-install the whole buddypress plugin or is it now an issue with the wordpress files since Suffusion was installed as a WordPress theme?

    If you can’t get to the dashboard – rename the buddypress plugin navigate to the dashboard /wp-admin/ – login – go to themes ensure that a /the WP default theme is selected check the site and confirm before doing anything that WP is running correctly (check things such as permalinks are functioning correctly) if all is good rename BP to correct name navigate to plugins – activate BP and select the bp-default theme check once more that the site now running BP is looking correct.



    Deactivate “Suffusion BuddyPress Pack” plugin if you haven’t yet.
    Also, why did you have to “re-install” the bp-default folder into bp-themes folder, or do you mean you re-uploaded bp-default theme to wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/ ?

    Grow Stories


    I re-uploaded the folder to overwrite any changes that the Suffusion theme would have made.

    How do I deactivate the “Suddusion BuddyPress Pack” plugin?

    Already explained that! in the crudest base sense you can rename a plugin to force deactivate it. No plugin would have made any changes to another plugins core files, thus buddypress files would have been fine unless you had modified any.

    Grow Stories


    ok, well i deleted the suffusion folder form the ftp. Now I cant even see the home page. How do I get it back to the original theme so that it will load?

    Grow Stories


    So, now that I have deleted the Suffusion folder from the wordpress/wp-themes folder and re-uploaded the bp-themes folder.

    What can I do to activate the default theme so that I can load the page?

    Six posts back??!!

    I’m not really sure what you are having a problem with here, but please re-read that post I wrote earlier.

    If Buddypress is deactivated and no other themes are installed & running then WP should fall back to using twentyten default theme.

    Grow Stories


    ok,thanks! I missed that post because of MerciMe, sorry about that.

    How do I rename the buddypress plugin navigate to the dashboard /wp-admin/?

    No ; if you need to deactivate by re-naming and have ftp access do it that way, as long as the plugin is renamed and nothing else running then you ought to be back in business with WP – I’d be surprised if BP was running or needed renaming but for the sake of it rename it ‘buddypress-deactivated’ then you ought to be able to log in to the dashboard, but do ensure WP is running correctly before returning buddypress to it’s correct name so that it may be activated on the plugins page.

    Grow Stories


    Ok, I just deactivated the buddypress plugin and the page is still not loading. I think this is because I deleted the Suffusion theme that wordpress was running on.

    Is there anything I can do to restore the WordPress theme? Even when the Suffusion theme was installed the dashboard was not loading. that was the initial issue so I do not want the re-install Suffusion

    why would anything have happened to the WP default theme?

    Unless Suffusion has done something screwy overall I don’t get what the issue is, and Suffusion is removed isn’t it?

    “Trying to use WP themes modified for BP always seems to have issues, really best not done” – Hugo mused to himself.

    Grow Stories


    I think it was a Suffusikon issue.

    so I should just start over, I guess.
    remove the buddypress theme and see if wordpress works.

    If I have to reinstall wordpress will I still be able to use the same account?

    Grow Stories


    I fixed it

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