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Let’s prepare the BuddyPress 12.0.0 next major release

  • @imath


    Hi everyone,

    As explained into the following post, this forum topic is the place where you can ask us questions about the next BuddyPress 12.0.0 major release.

    BP Classic 1.2.0

    We’ll try to give you answers as soon as we can.

    You can get latest 12.0.0 pre-version from there 👇

    BuddyPress 12.0.0 Release Candidate

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  • @tapgiamcan


    Can you tell me what’s new in the update?



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    I updated to wordpress 6.4 while using buddypress beta 3. Accessing a members profile while I was logged out triggerd a fatal error. This is the info in my debug log below

    2023-11-08T16:55:16+00:00 CRITICAL Uncaught TypeError: Illegal offset type in /var/www/wptbox/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-activity/bp-activity-functions.php:800
    Stack trace:
    #0 /var/www/wptbox/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-blogs/bp-blogs-activity.php(1038): bp_activity_post_type_get_tracking_arg()
    #1 /var/www/wptbox/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(324): bp_blogs_new_blog_comment_query_backpat()
    #2 /var/www/wptbox/wp-includes/plugin.php(205): WP_Hook->apply_filters()
    #3 /var/www/wptbox/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-core/bp-core-functions.php(401): apply_filters()
    #4 /var/www/wptbox/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-activity/bp-activity-template.php(291): bp_parse_args()
    #5 /var/www/wptbox/wp-content/themes/klein-child/buddypress/activity/activity-loop.php(3): bp_has_activities()
    #6 /var/www/wptbox/wp-includes/template.php(792): require('...')
    #7 /var/www/wptbox/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-core/bp-core-template-loader.php(222): load_template()
    #8 /var/www/wptbox/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-core/bp-core-template-loader.php(67): bp_locate_template()
    #9 /var/www/wptbox/wp-content/themes/klein-child/buddypress/members/single/activity.php(41): bp_get_template_part()
    #10 /var/www/wptbox/wp-includes/template.php(792): require('...')
    #11 /var/www/wptbox/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-core/bp-core-template-loader.php(222): load_template()
    #12 /var/www/wptbox/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-core/bp-core-template-loader.php(67): bp_locate_template()
    #13 /var/www/wptbox/wp-content/themes/klein-child/buddypress/members/single/home.php(34): bp_get_template_part()
    #14 /var/www/wptbox/wp-includes/template.php(792): require('...')
    #15 /var/www/wptbox/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-core/bp-core-template-loader.php(222): load_template()
    #16 /var/www/wptbox/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-core/bp-core-template-loader.php(67): bp_locate_template()
    #17 /var/www/wptbox/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-core/bp-core-template-loader.php(407): bp_get_template_part()
    #18 /var/www/wptbox/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-members/classes/class-bp-members-theme-compat.php(212): bp_buffer_template_part()
    #19 /var/www/wptbox/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(324): BP_Members_Theme_Compat->single_dummy_content()
    #20 /var/www/wptbox/wp-includes/plugin.php(205): WP_Hook->apply_filters()
    #21 /var/www/wptbox/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-core/bp-core-theme-compatibility.php(767): apply_filters()
    #22 /var/www/wptbox/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(324): bp_replace_the_content()
    #23 /var/www/wptbox/wp-includes/plugin.php(205): WP_Hook->apply_filters()
    #24 /var/www/wptbox/wp-includes/post-template.php(256): apply_filters()
    #25 /var/www/wptbox/wp-content/themes/klein/buddypress-full-content.php(20): the_content()
    #26 /var/www/wptbox/wp-includes/template.php(792): require('...')
    #27 /var/www/wptbox/wp-includes/template.php(725): load_template()
    #28 /var/www/wptbox/wp-includes/general-template.php(206): locate_template()
    #29 /var/www/wptbox/wp-content/themes/klein-child/buddypress.php(90): get_template_part()
    #30 /var/www/wptbox/wp-includes/template-loader.php(106): include('...')
    #31 /var/www/wptbox/wp-blog-header.php(19): require_once('...')
    #32 /var/www/wptbox/index.php(17): require('...')
    #33 {main}
      thrown in /var/www/wptbox/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-activity/bp-activity-functions.php on line 800



    Kindly note that this error still occurs while using the default Twenty Twenty-Four theme



    Hi @teeboy4real

    Thanks a lot for your report, I’ve seen this issue lately:

    As you will see, it looks like some custom code/plugin is filtering the $activity_type to be an array instead of a string.

    I wasn’t able to reproduce it, but, I’m going to reopen the ticket and check again as I’m not sure I tested with a post comment.

    I’ll keep you updated.




    I just updated wordpress to version 6.4.1 and buddypress buddypress 12.0 beta 4 and this error no longer occurs.



    Thanks for your update, it’s a bit weird.. have you deactivated a BP plugin or disabled the Post Comment option of the Activity panel in the settings screen ?



    I had the option Allow activity stream commenting on posts and comments disabled I also have some code in custom.php file. I am not sure if it could have any effect

    /* Disable comment for all activity but still enable @mention autosuggestion. */
    function disable_activity_comments($can_comment, $activity) {
        // Disable comments
        $can_comment = false;
        return $can_comment;
    add_filter('bp_activity_can_comment', 'disable_activity_comments', 10, 2);
    /* Hide comment from activity page */ 
    add_action( 'bp_after_has_activities_parse_args', function ( $r ) {
        if ( bp_is_activity_directory() || bp_is_single_activity() ) {
            $r['display_comments'] = false;
        return $r;
    } );
    // Exclude activity updates from subscribers who are not logged in on the activity directory page.
    function hide_new_member_activities_from_unlogged_users( $args ) {
        if ( ! is_user_logged_in() ) {
            $args['action'] = array(
        return $args;
    add_filter( 'bp_after_has_activities_parse_args', 'hide_new_member_activities_from_unlogged_users' );



    Thanks a lot @teeboy4real for your reply.

    Initial problem was caused by the hide_new_member_activities_from_unlogged_users filter callback when Post comments are synced with Activity comments about the correponding Post activity.

    I have a patch ready and it will soon be fixed.



    Please help, users cannot view other users profile base or their own. Only Admin can.

    Please any help?



    Please help, users can’t view their profile base and other users profile base. Only admin can.



    Just checked, regular users can see their own profile as well as other user profiles no matter what is the selected value for the Community visibility setting.



    Not sure, maybe a vulnerability. I have disabled all the plugins, still thesame. Admin can view profile base but subscribers can’t.

    You can see picture preview below



    Hi @africanfoods,

    I am actually updating to official 11.4.0 version and I faced the same problem.

    This one is quite tricky. I had to dig into rebuilding my child theme from scratch in order to understand what was going wrong.

    I found that Buddypress now uses the content of a potential “templates” folder, directly in the root of your theme directory (previously it was only looking for a buddypress folder in the theme directory).

    You may have created a folder you named like that in your theme or child theme folder, which was not related to Buddypress. As buddypress now read this folder, be careful with the content. Especially if there is an empty “index.html” file in that folder.

    If you find one, just be sure that file was put here for basic security purpose, not for a specific use, then you can delete it, or rename like “index.html_backup”. Once you remove or rename this file, you should get your users’ profile pages back.

    I don’t know the use or reason for this new feature, maybe @imath can tell us more.



    Hi @gingerbooch

    Thanks for your reply and fix. This check is probably due to the fact we introduced Block Themes support since BP version 10.0.

    This support topic is about our next major version 12.0.0: please let’s try to post support issues at right places, if your issue is not related to beta testing 12.0, use another support topic.
    Thanks in advance for your understanding.



    @imath, then that was implemented between 10.3 and 11.4 😉 I will read more about this new Block Themes feature, thanks for the hint.
    Can I ask you (around) when version 12.0 will be live on WordPress ? No hurry, just for information.



    @gingerbooch sure, it’s scheduled to December 6.



    @imath, will this new version update fix the issue of Block Themes feature.



    Well a regular theme shouldn’t include a templates/index.html file as it’s a Block Theme specificity. I won’t disable Block Themes support because a regular theme is not using the right template names, so you should apply @gingerbooch’s fix.



    Ok, I’m not just able to find templates/index.html in my theme or buddypress directory. Maybe a guide to this path @gingerbooch



    @africanfoods Let’s discuss about it in another topic, this one is dedicated to testing BuddyPress 12.0 and BP Classic. Just imagine how you would feel if someone would interrupt a discussion you’re having about a topic with something that is not directly related to it.

    Please open a new topic, describe your configuration in it: WordPress version, BuddyPress version, PHP version, name of your theme, name of the active BP Template Pack, list of active plugin names as well as active BP Components, whether there is a bp-custom.php file into your plugins directory or any other file into a mu-plugins directory, etc. We’ve sticked this topic to the forum to help you and others have a reply to their troubles, follow these steps, then ask for support. I can’t help you with so few information.



    I have some feedback for the beta4: I stumbled upon this issue on my big site config but in troubleshooting mode with only default WP theme 2024 + BuddyPress (Heritage template but Nouveau has same problem) + bbpress I have this issue: in the /members/forums/ tabs of a member page, when I click on the different pages they do not display different content, only first page’s one.

    Could this be a problem with BuddyPress or is this only bbpress?



    (I just typed a response and it does not show. Moderated because of links or bug on my part?)

    Shorter version: pagination on your own profile work, but on other people profiles don’t.

    if you visit your own profile on this very website you’ll notice that the pagination links link to buddypress .org/page/2/ instead of /members/imath/forums/replies/page/2/

    After conducting local test it appears to be a problem on the v.11 too… is it a known issue? Is there a way we can help fix this?



    More precisely, another detail: when using the v11 when the links are badly formed on another member profile forum page you can always manually type /replies/page/2/ in the adress bar of your browser and it will display the proper content.

    On beta4 you can’t do that: even /page/2/ or /page/3/ etc will redirect to the same page (on my local page it redirects to page 1 of that user profile forum tab).



    There is a very long running issue about that, it seems, on bbpress trac here
    if you have any more info on that, please share.

    Either wait for a bbPress update (it seems that it is in a slow pace lately), or maybe include a function hooking to bbp_get_replies_pagination_base filter (for replies as an example) to fix it on buddyPress side? (or on theme/plugins dev side but then it would probably be a good thing to include it in the docs somewhere?)

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