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Link to Send Private Message is wrong

  • Brian DiChiara


    I’m not sure if this is a problem with BuddyPress or some alteration someone has made to this instance. I was handed this project from someone else. One of the issues is that the link to send a private message is:
    which, if you are looking at their profile, the end URL when you click it is:

    I compared this with the private message url on the BP install here:, and it looks like where recipient-name is in the URL, it should be your own username. So, I tested the URL:
    And that worked. So the only thing I need to figure out is how to correct the URL. Any suggestions? Can someone point me to the right file and/or patch.

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  • @mercime


    Could be a theme issue. Change to bp-default theme and see if same behavior occurs.

    Brian DiChiara


    Is this a theme specific to buddy press or are you referring to my WordPress theme? Where do I change it? And if it is theme specific, where in the theme could it have been altered? Thanks for the help!

    Brian DiChiara


    Nevermind I found it in themes/mytheme/profile/profile-loop.php

    Zen Gonzaga


    I found the link! YEAH :D
    i put this on the page…
    <a href="”>

    Please let me know if it helped you..
    it took me days to figure this out.
    Hope it will help me anyone.

    Zen Gonzaga


    ooh i’m sorry about that.
    a href=””>

    Zen Gonzaga


    a href=&&>
    remove the -&-.. and replace it with -“-
    got problem with posting it. Sorry.

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