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Looking for good photo gallery

  • @andidi



    I am looking for the perfect photo gallery for my buddy press community. Important: the members have to be able to upload photos on their own, without special admission or help by admin.

    Any tip would be great!

    Thanks, Andidi

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  • @symm2112


    There are two available that should fit your needs.

    1. Buddydev’s BP Gallery which includes photos/video/audio and is in beta right now shortly to go stable at ( this is a premium plugin and access costs $30/3 months)
    2. bp album which is just photos but is free. They’ve made big strides lately and it should be available in the wp plugin repo.



    Do either of those plugins support Group galleries?



    BuddyPress Album+ is awesome! In my humble opinion…

    Test here:

    Download it from or search for it from your wp plugins menu.



    I’ve been beta testing gallery and with a few of us, he’s really listened to a lot of feature requests and feedback. At, you can see screenshot but yes, I know gallery has full support for all media for groups. I would check it our before you make tour decision but I love it. I’m converting my site which has a ton of media and it’s working great for all of my audio and video as well.



    Just a small but vital correction to @symm’s earlier post: the plugin is available at BuddyDev as a premium plugin, yes, but the $30/3 months is for access to the site and the entire suite of premium plugins/themes/support, not just access to the single plugin. The help & support that I and many others get from Brajesh on a daily basis is well worth the investment!



    Big question is, what are the features that Gallery has that BPAlbum+ is not planning on developing over the next couple of weeks?



    BP-Gallery features
    * User Galleries
    o Unlimited Gallery
    o Each gallery can have any number of media(Photos/audio/videos)
    * Group Galleries
    o Unlimited Gallery
    o Any Member of group can upload
    o Only group Admins can create Gallery
    * Multiple types of media Supported
    o Photo Gallery
    o Audio gallery
    o Video gallery
    o Can be extended with few code to support any time of media you want
    * Privacy
    o Fine grained Privacy control for gallery/media
    o User gallery/media can have the status private/public/friends only
    o Group gallery can have status public/private
    * Multiple Uploads
    o Upload multiple files without any extra effort, just select and click upload
    o There is no limit on upload size, It depends on the size you set in gallery settings and/or The maximum upload size allowed by your web host
    * Uploading and Sharing from Activity stream
    * Publishing to Activity stream or not is in your hands, you can publish multiple images/videos etc to the activity stream and it will appear as single entry
    * Shortcode
    o For embedding Gallery to your blog posts
    o Embedding Photo/Audio/video to your blog
    * Widgets
    o Sitewide gallery widgets
    o Sitewide media Widget
    * Directory where all the public galleries are listed, you can search them, filter them by Audio/video/photo
    * Security:- I can vouch for gallery being 99% secure, the rest one percent is always uncertain :)
    * Object caching: If you enable persistence object caching, you can reduce upto 90% database queries
    * 100% Buddypress aware, disable Buddypress, the Gallery will not cause any issue/error.
    * Modular and decoupled
    o decoupled from Group(If group is disabled, gallery will still work)
    o decoupled from Activity(If you disable activity, gallery will work, but support for commenting and publishing to activity stream will be no more available)
    o decoupled from Friends(The privacy features will work even if you disable friends component)
    * Extra addons
    o WordPress Plugin for TinyMce to insert gallery/media to your post/page(Thanks to Phillip)
    o Widget to show sitewide listing of gallery/images(Thanks to Phillip)
    o Highslide Slideshow for showing Images (Thanks to Phillip, will be coming soon)
    o jQZoom Plugin to show case site wide Public Photos
    * Site Admin settings:
    o Control which media types are allowed, enable/disable galley types,i.e you can enable/disable Photo Gallery/Video Gallery/Audio Gallery
    o Set maximum upload space per user
    o set maximum upload file size
    o Enable Disable gallery Link
    o Enable/disable upload from activity stream
    o Show the remaining/used space to users
    o got an issue, enable debug mode of gallery to see what’s going inside
    o Set Image sizes for Thumbnail/medium/Full size
    * What Is Coming In future:
    o FFMPEG Support for Video Galleries
    o Face Detection/Tagging(OpenCV extension will be required)
    o Gallery from Youtube/picass/flickr/vimeo etc
    o Various CDN Support
    o Decoupling of Video Player to allow you use various players to choose from
    * Upcoming Addons:- atleast 4-5 slideshow widgets to showcase the gallery media(Including supersized,mooflow and more)



    That`s awesome. Thanks a lot for all the great tips!
    I check the galleries and give you my report a.s.a.p ;-)

    Best from Germany, Andidi




    one more question: suppose I decide for the 3 month version of Buddydev’s BP Gallery …
    (our community is a scientific project designed for 3 months only)
    but what happens to the uploaded files after the 3 month?




    Don’t worry, there’s no time bomb in bp-gallery :-)

    3 month access refers to the time you have access to the BuddyDev website. You can install and KEEP anything you download from the site during that time. Brajesh is NOT selling his plugins, themes or brilliant coding help for a limited time, he’s simply offering premium download privileges and support to paid members of his website.



    Very impressive…



    “Brajesh is NOT selling his plugins, themes or brilliant coding help for a limited time, he’s simply offering premium download privileges and support to paid members of his website.”

    If he’s not selling his plugins, then where can we download the plugins without having to pay? Is it somewhere on the repository? I can’t find it anywhere, but the paid site.

    If it was as you describe and available to everyone and the site was just a premium download service with Brajesh’s premium support, then I think he’d get a whole group of people helping to support and test his plugin. Until then, many people will be reticent to support it imho.

    Seems like Brajesh is focused on the short term gain versus the long term potential that releasing his plugin as open source could provide him.



    @techguy,”Then I think he’d get a whole group of people helping to support and test his plugin.”
    Yeah he does have a group of people testing his plugin, the premium members who paid for like 3 family-size pizzas over three months, and it has been worth every penny.
    @sbrajesh will be releasing the BP Gallery plugin to the public for free when it’s ready to be released. And when he says he will release the plugin for free, I know he will.



    a Huge +1 for the bp-gallery from @sbrajesh

    It does exactly as advertised, and I have never, ever, come across a plugin with the type of support that I receive from Brajesh. Every time the community comes up with a good idea for bp-gallery, it seems that Brajesh comes up with an updated version within hours to days. His pace of workflow is utterly amazing to me.

    I can’t comment on the other gallery system as I have not installed it on any of my sites so comparing the two is not possible for me. I do realize the other gallery, now that it’s part of the gsoc project may become the defacto gallery plugin for bp, but I am more than happy to continue using bp-gallery. I have purchased many plugins, code snippets in the past from many people, and I have to say this is one of the best for my needs that I have ever received. Considering that just my one major request I posted for Brajesh would have cost me hundreds to have coded, so $30 for supporting his plugin is more than worth it to me. I would suggest his plugin to anyone that ever asks without hesitation.



    Thanks for your reply. Now I am less worried and so is my boss ;-)
    Your good review on the bp-gallery was helpful in convincing my boss, thanks. I agree that the 30,-$ are more than fair in comparison to the otherwise necessary amount of work.

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