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Main Activity Stream: Group Forum & bbPress activity

  • @mandyostermeier


    Hi there,

    I have been searching and searching and can’t find if there is a way to do what I want.

    I want the main activity stream to show new bbPress posts. And also private group activity to show up for group members in the main activity stream. Is this possible. I don’t now coding.. but I know basic webdesign & css so I can understand how to hack something if given the code.

    Thx for your attention in advance..

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  • @moxie2020


    Yes, Agreed. I have found posts about this going back 11 months and no one seems to see this as a serious detractor for Buddypress. A group centered plugin that is not actually focused on its members.
    Anyone can see ALL public group activity whether they belong to the group or not. Simultaneously that same person cannot see any Private or Hidden Group activity even if they belong to the groups.

    Activity should be for groups the person is a member of. Otherwise buddypress is just confusing.

    Please let me know if there is a patch since this is really a bug.



    I too am needing an answer to this. My bbPress posts are not showing up in the activity steam. Can anyone at least address the issue? Is this or is this not possible? If it is not possible just let us know, but don’t just ignore it.




    For those wondering, Full-integration for BBpress is coming in 1.6 (next major release) .



    Hello there,

    I am new in this forum.

    I have installed buddypress to my second subdomain as, so anyone know that, where could I found code or RSS to display do *Activities stream* of buddypress to my homepage of as i use both subdomain in wordpress soft.




    @kunthea, please make your own topic rather than hijack someone else’s.

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