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Member photo galleries

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  • @imath


    Hi @sooskriszta

    Thanks for the ticket reference, i’m actually building a list of tickets around the need to attach media to components.

    I think what @boonebgorges says in comment of your ticket is really important :
    “… it’s not impossible that some simple media capabilities would one day be built into BP. … If anything were to be included, it would have to be done very carefully, working closely with teams like the BP Media team to determine how we could build something minimal in BP that could be scaffolded by other plugins.”

    I totally agree with him. Although i feel there’s a lot of expectations having features incorporated in BuddyPress, doing it carefully and in a way that would help other plugins is very important.

    When you say “Photos are the biggest attraction in social networking”, sometimes it’s not the case : for instance in the corporate world, the document really matters more.

    As i’ve said in last wednesday’s dev chat : “Media is a great challenge. I have some ideas about it, mainly around the concept of attachments for other components

    In BuddyPress, the groups component and the members component are dealing in a way with media using the core avatar functions. It can be a good start to see how to provide a quickest way for community administrators to view/manage all these media in a media Administration screen, in a group/member administration screen etc.. I think that building this can help us to extend it to other media capabilities.

    Thanks a lot for the alert. Have a lovely day.



    @im4th Honestly, I don’t see why BP Media should be involved since:
    1. They are not even close to being the top media plugin for BP. rtMedia is (source
    2. By their own admission, they have taken so many manhours to build simple functionality that it seems their approach is almost prohibitive for BP core team.

    I think we should look to work more closely with rtMedia, who have built in a very short period of time a much more feature-rich and popular option than BP Media.

    Also, I strongly feel we should leverage the media management capability that is already built into WordPress.



    How it happens is not much of my concern, I do feel however that the Buddypress core crew should work with the people they feel comfortable with.

    An image insert would be one of the important next steps to improve Buddypress, I used RTMedia during my development but found it bulky, now I use BP-Albums and that does an almost perfect job, in combination with the attachments plugin.

    A post like system is also high on the list, same goes for an extended profile page, and the list is long.

    I understand that plugins can/should do a lot of this paraphernalia and focus needs to be on the core functions of Buddy/BB/Wordpress so these plugins can become more effective and create less pageload.

    But inline images would be on top of my list to see as a core function.

    Anyway, I will keep watching these topics closely.


    ps. my current and first Buddypress project is : Cultivators Forum | BBFacelook theme



    Hi Everyone, and @imath thanks for all your awesome contributions to BuddyPress!!

    On the topic of media, I wanted to point some attention to BuddyDev, so everyone who is interested in a BuddyPress media plugin can support his MediaPress efforts.

    I’ve used every media plugin I could get my hands on and it currently boils down to two;

    1. RT Media: (+) A lot of great features, mostly free, support for free version. (-)Very buggy, interferers with other plugins, caused site wide performance issues (for me).
    2. BP Gallery (+) Simple, easy. (-) Need to pay for it or get a membership. I found a small mobile upload bug.
    (Kinda 3). BP Album: No longer supported and it’s Googlecode page ironically is missing all it’s media.

    So, a third option I’m sure would be widely appreciated. He’s saying it will always be free and hook into current WordPress media functionality, so I’m excited! Here’s the link for those interested,

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