What theme are you using? If you’re using a WP theme and installed BP Template Pack, did you keep bp.css enabled?
Please don’t post on both here and on the Trac:
https://buddypress.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/4189 until it is confirmed that this is a bug in BuddyPress core, and not a problem with your installation of BuddyPress. The same people who read Trac read the forum.
I am sorry Paul, I am new to this. Only submitted one other question prior to this. No matter what theme I select, the settings button will not execute. When I copy the Settings file into my theme folder under Members, then it works… however none of the CSS is there. All tabs work right, except the settings. I would think that we would leave all files in tact from the CORE and not have to move things around. I’ll wait for a reply.
What theme are you using? If you’re using a WP theme and installed BP Template Pack, did you keep bp.css enabled? If you’ve created a child theme of bp-default, did you follow the directory structure from bp-defauit when you copied template files over to child theme to make the revisions?
First, I just noticed that the name next to my comments now show “Deleted User.” I don’t understand why I would be a deleted user when I only made an “accident” and didn’t post in two places on purpose. I am learning as I go along. Good grief.
I am using a NON-buddypress theme. I did install the BP Template pack and I did follow all of the noted instructions so that the files were carried over to my theme. Everything worked fine but the Settings tab – when clicked it “did nothing.” There are several discussions on here about take Settings Folder from the CORE BP files and copy it into the MEMBER FOLDER in the THEME folder. When I do that – the tab works however, the page is NOT formatted like the remainder of the Buddypress pages – it has NO FORMAT AT ALL.
Again, I apologize for posting in two areas. And hopefully I won’t have to post over here anymore if I get this resolved.
Can you clarify which files you mean when you say “the settings folder from the core BP files”? Do you mean the following:
If so, these files *should* be getting copied over at the same time that the entire `members` directory is copied, during the BP Template Pack setup process. It could be that there is a bug in that plugin causing the problem.
> I only made an “accident” and didn’t post in two places on purpose. I am learning as I go along. Good grief
Newly re-named user
this wasn’t deliberate it’s buggy behaviour with this particular install, wasn’t a intentional act on anyone’s part – that I’m aware of.