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Members, groups and Member Blog pages not working

  • Mark


    I’m having an issue when I click on links in Members, groups or Member Blog pages. (the.item-list li links and page numbers links according to the css.) For example with the members page, if I click on “my friends” or “following” nothing loads up. It just stays blank, but if I refresh the page it shows up with the accurate info such as the members names or the new page number. Any ides on what could be causing this. I deactivated all the plugins and switched to the BP default theme but I still had the same issue? I’m using Linux server, Buddypress 1.2.6, WordPress MU 3.01, Apache version 2..2.9 and
    PHP version 5.2.6. Any help is appreciated.

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  • @mercime




    Making the changes to the WP-Config seemed to work. Thanks for the help!



    @mercime. I’m having that problem again. I’m using Linux server, Buddypress 1.2.6, WordPress MU 3.01, Apache version 2..2.9 and PHP version 5.2.6. My sql 5.0.51a-community. I’m using a VPS. My traffic isn’t that high at this time so it shouldn’t be an issue with traffic spikes.

    I’ve increased the memory limit in the wp-config.php file by adding define (‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘256M’);

    I’ve increased it in .htaccess by adding php_value memory_limit 256M

    I’ve also increased it in my Php.ini file.

    Any other ideas?

    what does phpinfo() actually report back for main and local values?

    However tend not to think this is a php script mem limit issue.

    MySQL connection limit? Anything in your web server error log, Mark?



    Hi guys, thanks for the help. The my sql was set to 150, they raised it to 200 but it didn’t work. I spoke with my hosting company and they don’t think its a php memory problem either. My error log had a lot of errors that end on the 12th for tdo mini forms but none for the past couple of days. I did notice the problem occurs in firefox 3.6.13 and safari but strangely enough everything works fine in Internet explorer 8. The site is if you want to check it out.



    Just as an update, its not working in IE anymore so I tried deactivating all the plugins, uninstalling Buddypress, rebooting the server and reinstalling buddypress with no plug-ins active and I still had the same issue with the links not loading. I know it’s not the theme because my theme works fine on my test site. Any other ideas? Maybe its is a php, javascirpt or ajax issue or memory leak of some kind? I’m not sure what is used to make those links load. Any more help is very appreciated.



    Oh, I forgot to mention its works and doesn’t work intermittently.

    Andrea Rennick


    Sounds like a server config.

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