@mentions works for me using the latest WP/BP, twenty-fifteen theme, Private Community For BP plugin, and BuddyPress Identicons plugin. Very basic setup for myself so you will need to provide more info on your setup so others can help. 🙂
mentions working fine but auto complete to mentions someone not working how can i fixed???
I am also seeing the @mentions not working on my site.
BuddyPress 2.2.1 running on the Engine theme from Industrial Themes. Theme and WP both at latest versions.
Plugins (but I can’t see where any would cause a conflict):
Anti-spam by CleanTalk
Custom Login
Custom Permalinks
Gravity Forms (and PayPal and User Registration add-ons)
MailChimp Lite
Use Google Libraries (maybe it’s that one?)
And some admin plugins.
Wasn’t the Google Libraries plugin. Deactivated that, same results.
Just got this error message from my AG Custom Admin plugin. It references the “mention” javascript:

My problem is solved by deactivate buddypress like plugin then mention working fine.
buddy…which plugin you deactivate?
The BuddyPress “Like” plugin is what he was probably talking about.
yes but after i update buddypress last new version mention not working now
Error: return a.fn.atwho.call(this,g)}
10 years, 1 month ago
I install last version “V2.2.1” from buddypress then mentions not working can anyone advice me