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MoviePress and Buddypress

  • Hello,

    I have MoviePress theme from PremiumPress. That theme have inbuilt membership system supporting free and paid membership with paypal. I am trying to install BuddyPress on it and BuddyPress overriding the registration process. That theme have builtin Teasers option to protect videos from guests. Teasers require inbuilt membership system to work properly. I tried buddypress with moviepress on localhost and it works fine. But when I try to use buddypress and moviepress at online website it overrides the registration process. How I can resolve this issue?

    PS: I configured buddypress earlier to handle everything like membership etc. Now I removed the buddypress many times and clean the database but when I reinstall buddypress it initiate old configuration and doesn’t ask to setup buddypress again.

    Hassan Latif

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