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[Resolved] Need activation key???

  • johnjf


    I got a couple users saying they needed an activation key to register. So I went and tested out the registration process and it send me a link to active my account. I click on the link and yes it’s asking for an activation key. Is it suppose to do this??

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  • johnjf


    I didn’t receive an activation key also, just a link to activate the account.



    Sorry, was going to try editing post. Anyway I did a quick search on google and see someone post that bbpress is the problem the activation isn’t working so I decided to give it a try and deactive bbpress. Sure enough the activation is working fine now once I click on the activation link I get in the email.

    Has anyone come up with a solution on how to fix this problem? I would like to have forums on my site also.

    Ah hah. Just to confirm: with bbPress active, your BuddyPress “Active user” like in the emails don’t work?



    My “current” test users work with bbpress active but I created a test user before I actived sitewide forums. I tried creating a new test account and I’m not able to activate account. The user shows up on the user list but they’re not able to do anything until they can activate account. With the test user account I try setting up, it says please go and active your account by going to your email and clicking on your activation link or something like that. It asks to enter an activation key. I tried clickin active to see if it would work but nothin, I also tried copy and pasting the key #’s I get in the link and nothing worked.

    Once I deactivated bbpress I was able to click on the activation link and my test account would activate.

    We’ll check it out. Thanks.



    Thank you

    I’ve just tested this with all sorts of combinations of bbPress/BuddyPress, and I can’t recreate a problem.

    Can you find out what web server software your web host is using for your server? It could be Apache, nginx, etc.



    They said there using Apache

    Thanks. I don’t have any ideas; something must be redirecting URLs when it shouldn’t.



    Could it be from one of the plugins or functions I have? I had a function which I used so it can change to use my email instead of so I deleted that function but I was still getting the same problem. I also has a login attempt plugin thinking that might be it so I deactivated it but still didn’t fix the problem.

    I can list all the plugins I have if you’d like? in the meantime I’ll re-activate bbpress and go down the list and deactivate plugins and try registering with a test user account.



    I went through the list and also cleared all my functions but it did nothing. Still getting the type in activation code.



    I figured it out! I went through the list of plugins I had again. I ended up forgetting to deactivate the WordPress SEO by Yoast plugin. It turns out that’s the culprit for not letting anyone activate there account. You think you can figure out why this plugin is causing the problem and how to fix it?

    Thank you



    solved it.



    @johnjf Good for you 🙂 Would you like to share how you resolved the issue for the next person who might have the same issue?



    no, lol jks yes I forgot to post how I resolved this. All I did was deactivate the SEO by yoast plugin, uninstalled it. Went back to the plugins page and installed the SEO by yoast plugin again and everything worked fine, even after I setup my SEO back to how it was before.



    @johnjf thanks for sharing 🙂



    I can confirm this problem. After a user registered and clicked on the e-mail activation link, the activation page was displayed with an error message about an activation code.

    When I disabled WordPress SEO by Yoast, the problem went away.




    This was not WordPress by SEO. And who knows what it is.

    If a user signs up, clicks the authorization in the email and then logs in they get the Authorization Page which is asking for an authorization key.

    If the user clicks the authorization link but closes the browser before relaunching the browser and logging in, no problem.



    Hi, I’m trying to get BuddyPress running, and I can see the activate account page, but I don’t have an activation key. Nothing was sent. How do I re-trigger this?





    I recently ran into this issue as well and found that troubleshooting the plugins associated with the site resolved the issue. There was a specific plugin that was causing the problem. I simply deactivated them and activated them by trial an error until I isolated the culprit. In my case it was not an SEO plug in but one called “Confirm Activation”. I realize this is an older post but maybe someone will benefit from this solution.



    Instead of disabling other plugins that might be the culprit, try installing this plugin >
    Peter’s Login Redirect… works like magic! 😀

    You can choose the redirects. laminine forum



    So, I had the same problem, but with the deactivation of WordPress SEO by Yoast everything works again.

    Hi, folks,

    I’ve seen that this thing of activation e-mail is quite a headache for some people using BP. I’m currently having some trouble too. Most of the time, when a user creates an account on the site I’m working on, the e-mail with the activation link is sent ok. But for some users, the link on the e-mail comes without the key (something like, what results in the page asking a activation key. The problem is that I can’t reproduce the issue, but I received even a print screen from an user showing that the problem indeed exist.

    I’ve installed Unconfirmed plugin to check if there is users that are not confirmed, and there are a couple of users. I can see the activation key for every unconfirmed user. What can be causing this issue?

    I’m currently using Buddypress 1.8.1, bbPress 2.4.1, and for the themed login, I’m using Theme My Login 6.3.9. I’m using too WordPress Social Login 2.1.3 for give users a social login option. To style the e-mails, I’m using WP Better Emails

    Thanks for any help!

    Ok, maybe I got the source of the problem. I use this code below to change the text from the e-mail with the activation code:

    function bp_change_activation_mail_text( $message ) {
    //  Get some globals
    	global $bp, $wpdb;
      //  Get username from the signup form just posted
      $username = $bp->signup->username;
      //  SQL query to get activation key for that username
      $sql = 'select meta_value from wp_usermeta where meta_key="activation_key" and user_id in ( select ID from wp_users where user_login="' . $username . '" and user_status=2 )';
      //  Getting the activation key from the database
      $activation_key = $wpdb->get_var($sql);
      $activate_url = bp_get_activation_page() ."?key=$activation_key";
      $activate_url = esc_url( $activate_url );
      //  Custom message with activation key
      $message = "Obrigado por registrar-se no Espaço Tesla!\n\n Para completar a ativação de sua conta, por favor, clique no link abaixo:\n\n$activate_url\n\n";
      return $message;
    add_filter( 'bp_core_signup_send_validation_email_message', 'bp_change_activation_mail_text' );

    Maybe there is something wrong with the query that could sometimes return an empty result? When I remove this filter, the default text is sent with the correct activation link.

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