New FB Autoconnect Plugin for WP…will it work with MU/BP?
I like a lot of the thoughts he put into this. Anyone take a look at this yet?
You might just want to hang tight until I submit an “official” version that also includes Andy’s code. There’ll probably be a bit of restructuring to make it work well for both WP and BP.
Yes please wait for the official version, otherwise you’re going to get conflicts.
Man I’m so glad this plugin arrived.. Delaying my project for a few months has been working out amazingly thanks to 1.2, BP-Gallery, This plugin and a ton of other cool stuff coming out,. Great
Installed the plugin (Andy’s version). I have a custom theme/login form that doesn’t use the widget system. How can I add the Facebook button to the login form in my theme?
Where is the “Include Buddypress filters” option? I can’t find it anywhere in wp-admin WP-FB AutoConnect Options. I see this line: “…select the option below to automatically add a Facebook button to your built-in login panel.” Is there supposed to be a select box below that? There’s nothing.
Adding this to the login form code in my theme works:
?>Logging in via a Facebook account works. It matches by email address? It logged in an existing test account with a BS name.
I’ll clean the database and try again as a new user…
Tried it with a new user:
– username is generated correctly
– display name is only the first name -> how can I have full name as default?
– email is
The email problem probably has something to do with these settings in wp-admin:
ASK the user for permission to get their email address
REQUIRE user for permission to get their email address
It’s not clear to me what these settings mean. The second sentence is really cryptic/nonsensical. Should I select the second if I want to require an email address from users to enter my site?
If you select ‘REQUIRE…’ a user trying to log in with Facebook sees this:
TheWebsite would like to email you.
Allow TheWebsite to contact me at:
my Facebook contact email (
OK, makes sense…
Login goes through nicely. Email address is now entered into the account. A number 2 is added to the generated username – my two Facebook accounts are in the same full name. Nice!
The lastnames are added to wp_usermeta, but the display_name field in wp_users only gets the firstname. There are no lastnames stored in xprofile. I also need to figure out how to add fullname + email to my mailing list.
Where can I edit that behavior? Where are the queries?
@Modellooper, just tested on your site. Login seems to be working well.
@justin_k how do I login through regular means after having registered through FB (we know the username but what about the password)? This is in case the plugin is ever removed.
Thanks for creating this great plugin.
If you want to change or add to how user data is stored in the database, you can add some lines to this section of _process_login.php:
//Insert a new user to our database and notify the site admin
$user_login_id = wp_insert_user($user_data);
$user_login_name = $user_data['user_login'];
wp_new_user_notification($user_login_name);I added the following to get fullname as display name, instead of just the first name:
$fullname = $fbuser['first_name'].' '.$fbuser['last_name'];
$firstname = $fbuser['first_name'];
$lastname = $fbuser['last_name'];
update_usermeta( $user_login_id, 'nickname', $fullname );
$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "UPDATE {$wpdb->users} SET display_name = %s WHERE ID = %d", $fullname, $user_login_id ) );I could probably shorten that, but it works…
What happens if the Facebook user does NOT allow to give his email address? Will it go through with or will the login be aborted? I’d prefer no email = no access.
Or is that the difference between the ASK and REQUIRE settings…?
Having trouble testing it. It apparently recognizes my Facebook accounts from previous tests.
What does this error mean?
Error: Could not register hashes with Facebook (connect_registerUsers)
Does anyone still have a zip of andy’s modified version? I accidentally deleted it before implementing one piece
email me modemlooper@gmail .com I have a zip
Got it, thx
Peter: PS, most of what you’re doing will be irrelevant when I release a version that works with BP out-of-the-box, so u dont really need to spend the time hacking it
Also, most of the questions ur asking (i.e. what if u want to require an email?) are all clearly documented on the plugin homepage.
PS, most of what you’re doing will be irrelevant when I release a version that works with BP out-of-the-box
So you’re going to include ListMessenger integration?
Nope not in the core, but you’re doing things like editing process_login.php and hacking the database and I’ll just end up adding pre-registration filters to enable user customization the “right” way (and include a default filter that changes usernames to ones that work with BP, as in Andy’s example code)
I;ve just installed latest Version: 1.1.0 on . Can some-one out there test for me so i can ck it’s working.
Seems to be working!
By the way, when you installed it, did you have to change any settings? Specifically, was “Disable Buddypress Filters” de-selected by default? It should be checked by default on WordPress (it is), and un-checked by default on BuddyPress.
great tks Justin, fantastic work!
Yep unchecked by default so all good.
@justin_k I want to add the button to the WP login rather than buddypress sidebar – how do I do that?
I’m trying to add the Facebook URL to a custom xprofile field. Adding this query to _process_login.php, like I did here with other queries, doesn’t work:
$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "UPDATE {$wpdb->bp_xprofile_data} SET value = %s WHERE ID = %d AND field_id=3", $fbuser['profile_url'], $user_login_id ) );
It does get stored in wp_users, but I need to figure out how to connect this plugin to xprofile anyway.
Please make support requests on the plugin’s homepage; I’m trying to keep it all centralized there so others can benefit from the same answers.
on 1.1.0
I’m getting an error: :This application is not set up to request your email address†if I check either the “ask” or “require” boxes…
Anyone else getting this?
I do have my email verification set up right and even created a new app just to make sure I wasn’t crazy. Same error.
@gregfielding, are you really sure you have entered the correct Facebook API keys? That they were actually saved in wp-admin as well?
@bobin1983, I added this below the login form in my theme. Wrong, but it works:
<? jfb_output_facebook_btn(); jfb_output_facebook_init(); jfb_output_facebook_callback(); ?>
Will you test it and see if it works?
testing this thing is a pain!
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