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New FB Autoconnect Plugin for WP…will it work with MU/BP?

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  • @mikepratt


    @Peter “What’d ya gonna do about it?” Can’t we keep the high school out of these discussions?

    @justin_k great work. Sorry you have to deal with this.



    @justin_k Wondering what your thoughts are on my situation: I run a site with a fair number of required, custom fields filled out on registration (class year, military branch, etc) and the site’s content is viewable only to registered members. We have considered using the FB-connect plugin given so many of our members are on and want to make things easy. I suppose they’ll have to be ok with potentially making their postings public (via their FB stream) but I’m most concerned about how to get the custom field filled out -> Do I redirect to yet another custom page that has just the non-FB connect related fields? Maybe I am biting off to much in the name of simplicity. Your thoughts are most welcome. Thanks.



    @Mike Can’t we keep the high school out of these discussions?

    Thanks…I agree. Especially when he asks question after question that I’ve already taken the time to document thoroughly but he clearly hasn’t bothered to read :/



    @muratk / Mike: Could you please post your questions on the plugin site’s support section, so other users with similar questions can benefit from the answers:

    (Soon I’m gonna stop checking this thread)



    Use the plugin author’s support thread please. Closing.

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