Yes, I’d use this!
At the moment there’s not much you can actually do in the groups, I think. I’d planned to look into options to add more functionality.
Where can I get this plugin? I would like to test it.
Hopefully tomorrow I will have time to make it in to a downloadable plugin. Please stay posted.
Okay…I pushed it out as a plugin, but be aware it is in alpha stage and untested.
As we keep developing hopefully it will mature more, but feel free to hack away at it yourself as well.
Also I packaged it very late, 2:25 am, so I hope I didn’t make any mistakes…as my eyes are turning squinty!
thank you.
I will install it tomorrow and get back to you with the results.
Is there a demo link avail?
The install went fine, works as advertised.
The only request I can think of would be the ability through the bp group blog admin to give users the ability to become ‘moderators’ for the group blog so that they are also able to post to the blog.
Idea being, I created a support group blog which worked just fine. However I don’t want to be the one that has to update the blog all the time. I know that I can manually assign people as contributors to the blog itself in the blog admin, but it would be nicer to add them in the bp admin area. This way I can separate out regular members who sign up to the blog, but are not part of the support group.
anyhow, thank you, it’s a nice plugin
Burt Adsit developed a plugin called “Community Blogs for BuddyPress”. The cool thing is that it adds users silently to the set blog by the admin.
I will look at his approach and see if it is at all possible to have moderators of the group added silently as well. And maybe members at a different level.
So an group admin would be the blog admin. Group moderators would be editors and group members, authors.
Probably an additional menu should be available to select what role group members get assigned. I thought about this as well, so good feature request
Mariusooms, there’s somebody over at CUNY who has dev’ed an enhancement to the community blogs plugin that lists the user’s subscribed groups in a more user friendly format than my plugin. Boone Gorges over here:
His enhanced community blogs plugin might be something to look at.
I just tried out the group blogs plugin and it works pretty slick. Nice.
Thanks Burt…I’ll give that a look. Currently we are extending the functionality a great deal as well and make it more inetegrated with the Group registration as well, but I’ll make sure to check that out to avoid duplication.
It is so much fun developing for bp…I come from a Drupal background and the coding for wp/bp is so much more refreshing and user friendly.
I just tried installing it (which went fine), but now get this error on my group page:
Warning: require_once(/home/alumnide/public_html/wp-content/bp-themes/bpmember/groupblog/blog-activity.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/alumnide/public_html/wp-includes/theme.php on line 822
Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required ‘/home/alumnide/public_html/wp-content/bp-themes/bpmember/groupblog/blog-activity.php’ (include_path=’.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php’) in /home/alumnide/public_html/wp-includes/theme.php on line 822
Any ideas?
Have you copied the “groupblog” templates folder to your bp active member theme?
ah..that was it (forgot to read the readme file..duh)…thanks
Some screenshots of the Groupblog plugin or some URLs that have the plugin enabled would be nice!
Good idea r-a-y! It is summer vacation now, but I will definitely include some as our users start building their profile and groups with this plugin. These are some upcoming feautures:
* Construct the group_id, this allows us to switch blogs in the group and pull in the relevant information. (done)
* Construct the reverse blog_id, this allows us to have group based loops in the blog to display members, profile, activity etc based on the group id. (done)
* Allow blog registration at group sign up, much like how you can create a blog at site registration.
* Add members silently to the blog when they become group members.
* Different role caps depending on role within the group. By default members are authors, mods are editors and admins are admins.
* Allow the admin set role caps on group roles, e.g. the group admin only want its members to be subscribers. Or editors for a wiki type solution.
* Have an option to disable silent adding of members in case the group admin only wants (or needs) the group blog be accessible by him (or her).
* Create more templates. One we have now is a simple template that creates a menu from the page titles, which allows the group to behave like a cms.
We will also offer some blog templates to help make the blog look transparent to the information you display within the group so its transition from group to blog nad vice versa is seemless.
Thanks for your interests already.
Mariusooms, you should be aware that very soon the group creation process and access to features will change. See Andy’s docs about this:
This is going to happen in bp 1.1 which will be out next month. You really should have this change in mind when coding.
Hey, some of these upcoming features look great. Do you have an estimate as to when you will have your next release?
Thanks for developing a great plugin!
Awesome, thanks Burt, that api looks very handy…I’ll hold off development ’till 1.1, which was the plan anyway, since summer months are slow around here.
Thanks for the resource, I should check the docs more often!
Wow, if I’m reading this API correctly, it looks like it’s going to make our job a lot easier! (I’m the other half of the team together with Mariusooms who made the plugin, BTW.)
In fact, I wasn’t really sure how we were going to implement the:
* Allow blog registration at group sign up, much like how you can create a blog at site registration.
but now the way forward seems much clearer. I’m mean there was always the: groups_create_group_step1_save
actions, but that leaves no interaction with the user as far as blog name goes, etc.
Those actions are removed in 1.1, make sure you check the latest code base.
This is awesome. I was just looking around the BuddyPress features and wondering why the heck there was no “group blog” feature. And then sure enough, somebody was already working on it. Thanks!!
Yes sir…we will make it available alongside the bp 1.1 release as it is build on some of the new code of bp.
We can hand out early versions for testing if you run trunk. Obviously that means you don’t run this on a public install yet 
About 90% of the features mentioned earlier are implemented. Currently we are working on the member joining and role caps.
The plugin is finished and needs some testing for those who are up o the task. Code has been rewritten from the alpha version and all features have been implemented. Apart from the template files. More template files will come in the next release, but we wait for bp 1.1 to come around the corner.
Until it becomes available in the WP Repository you can access the latest trunk here:
REQUIRES THE LATEST TRUNK OF BP! So only use for testing purposes, you have been warned.
Stable release will follow soon after we do some more extensive testing. For more info please refer to the Readme from the plugin.
@Mariusooms. This plugin is fantastic.
It’s working perfectly on my trunk install.