IF wordpress isn’t sending any emails (ie they’re not in spam or junk folders) it may need an extra plugin – see https://codex.buddypress.org/troubleshooting/frequently-asked-questions/
Or try https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-mail-smtp/ to help diagnose where the issue is and add some extra settings to fix it…
Me too, I have a lot of Unconfirmed emails pending everyday … 10 to 20 per day !!
Then I need to activate them manually …
Very annoying !
I cannot find any reason WHY those people didnt get the confirmation email in their inbox …
I asked all of them : did you check your spam filter … but this is not the issue.
Don’t know what to do …?
I’m loosing many subscribers because of this.
I must say I’m using WP last version + BP 1.5 + s2Member + BBpress plugin
Any help appreciated.
(I will try the WP-mail plugin to see if it can solve my problem)
Hi there,
I am having a major issue in that the registration is not populating the fields in the user database. Can anyone help? intooutside.org/sign-up
Somehow the fields are not inputting the data into the user profile (ie: first, last names are required and they are nowhere in the database). This happened after I installed Buddy Press
PS I am not a coder and know conceptually, so speak laymen if possible in your response