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profile field setup question

  • @jewlzmcq


    I’ve added some profile fields to the first group and selected them as required, yet users are being allowed to complete registration without completing those fields. Also, when existing users try to update their profile to include this information they get an error message. How can I make sure that a registration is denied unless they complete ALL fields I’ve marked as required and let existing users update their information for these fields.

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  • @mercime


    WP/BP versions? Have you deactivated all plugins except BuddyPress and changed to bp-default theme to see this is not a plugin/theme conflict?



    I have the same problem – latest BP / WP (3.1.2) versions installed. Fact is that in the buddypress “Profile Field Setup” you are allowed to create different groups of fields and set for each field if it’s required or not.
    BUT, all fields other than those from the 1st group are NOT considered in the registration process!
    The email is apparently sent once the user completed only the 1 step, and it just stops after asking the user to upload a photo.

    So basically, the extra group fields (no matter how “required” they might be) are fully IGNOFRED in the registration process!

    Anyone please help?
    This is a buggy

    Thank you!



    I’m using latest BP / WP 3.1.1. I have the added field in the first group and it now will stop the user regsitration if they do not complete that field BUT no new users are getting the validation email. I’ve got various users on different IPs and email domains – all local and they appear to finish the registration but never get the validation email and I never see their information on the admin side because that last step is not done. Yet – I get 1 phony user registrationeach day from an IP address from China. This may not be a Buddypress issue but I’m stumped and so is my IT department. I personally was able to complete registration from my home computer and my work one, which has much higher security but that was 4 months ago. I’m concerned that one of the updates in the last 4 months is causing my problem since it worked for me in January.

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