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  • ghyatt


    Since I am migrating to WP from Joomla you can call me a newbie.  However, question is on my register page for the new BP I am setting up there seems to be duplicate fields being displayed and at the bottom of page is issues concerning widgets which I have tried to configure but not luck.  Anyway, there is no click to submit button or link when a person is finished filling out the registration form.  Have I missed something?  I have it set in gen admin options to allow for registration and all pages necessary for BP with their corresponding links which you can see on the top of my site???  I am cornfused!  Here is link to site

    I am using both the latest releases of WP & BP and the theme I am using is Kallyas from Themeforest

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  • @mercime


    I have it set in gen admin options to allow for registration and all pages necessary for BP with their corresponding links which you can see on the top of my site???

    I don’t see any links to the BuddyPress pages at the top of your site using Chrome, Firefox and Safari. Looking at source code however, I see that it’s there and covered via stylesheet of “This is a demo store for testing purposes — no orders shall be fulfilled.” purple band at the top of your site.

    1) Not the issue, but recommend fixing -> Some of your BP pages have -2 in the URL like /register-2, /members-2, /activate-2, and /groups-2 which means that you probably moved the original register, members, activate, and groups page to Trash bin but did not delete the pages permanently. So when you created a new Register page for example, -2 was appended to the page slug.

    2) Re layout of your BuddyPress pages – looks like your theme has a custom-coded page which does not follow the regular WordPress templating system. That’s why the BP theme compatibility is off, including the missing submit button. Change to Twenty Twelve theme and you’ll see the Submit button in the Register page. You’d need to create a buddypress.php file



    I wonder if doing a total uninstall and reinstall would take care of this issue.  I will try that then create the links in my menu.  I am almost thinking it was when I used the BP Theme Compatability unit that this may very well where these issues stemed from.  What is your opinion on that!




    @ghyatt As I mentioned above, the menu links are there. They’re just hidden behind that purple band which you should be able to remove – theme options perhaps. What you can do is to send the pages ending with -2 to Trash. Open up Trash and retrieve the pages without the -2 ending, then delete the others permanently.

    As for BP Theme Compat, before going the uninstall/reinstall route, open up your theme’s page.php file, copy code and paste into, click submit and post the generated uri here so I can see the code used in that theme.

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