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Registration notice, manual activation

  • @micheleestes


    Hello, I would like to manually approve our BuddyPress site registration requests. To do this, I have disabled the “activate your account” email message, and instead, approve registration requests in the “pending” area on the dashboard. However, when a person registers they see text on the Register page suggesting they will receive an email, and will be able to activate their own account. How can I change this text to avoid confusion? How can I make sure those who register are unable to activate their own accounts?

    [I tried the Eonet Manual User Approval Plug-in but this added even more contradictory text to the registration confirmation webpage, plus there appeared to be a glitch when using with BuddyPress even though the two plug-ins seem to be compatible otherwise.]
    Thanks in advance…

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  • @prashantvatsh


    add_filter( 'bp_registration_needs_activation', '__return_false' );

    Please try this snippet.

    Also you can install loco translate plugin and find the text using this plugin and then can change it to something else.

    Loco Translate




    @prashantvatsh Thanks very much. I am not a programmer so have a simple question – in which file does this code go, and where in there? Am I correct in thinking this will require all registration requests to be activated manually by me? Since my post I have learned that someone was able to bypass activation and join the site by using an existing WP account at login. Is there a way to remove that option or will this code be best?

    Can you provide more context about how to find the text that uses the Loco Translate plugin, and how this plugin relates to the dynamic BuddyPress registration text? I appreciate your help. Thanks.




    Please create a file bp-custom.php in wp-content/plugins folder and then put it there. If you want an easy solution then install this plugin and then add a snippet and paste this code there and save it.

    For loco if you have already installed it then go to the menu loco in dashboard and then plugins->buddypress-> there you have to create a new language file and select language there. Once it is created search for the word in this file. You will find it.

    You can see the process in loco plugin’s documentation itself



    @prashantvatsh Thanks, I hope to test these today!



    Sure 🙂



    @prashantvatsh Loco translate appeared to work on my own testing with a typical new account registration and activation, but the snippet of code did not prevent someone from bypassing account activation if using another WordPress account to login. The tester mentioned logging in with the other account (apparently no registration required in this case) and seeing a jet pack process accept them. I am not sure jet pack had anything to do with this and wonder if you have other suggestions. I hope to test in real-time later today to better know what is happening.



    @prashantvatsh in a quick check I see that Jetpack is likely the problem. I have turned off allowing WP users to login with another account. In the users list, there is a jetpack symbol that alerts me that a couple others in our group may have been logging in this way which means missing information in our membership directory that would have otherwise been collected at registration (ex. name). Thanks for your assistance and I hope this resolves it!



    Glad to know that it is fixed 🙂

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