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Registration Page URL Inaccurately pointing

  • @scottponiewaz


    I have read the Codex and set everything up properly, and have registrations active, but two issues:

    -The Registration URL is not working properly from and it should be pointing to: index.php/create-account/ as is shown in my WP Admin under the page settings for Buddypress. Both are current versions I installed this past week. If you click the register button however, it just goes to /create-account/ and shows a 404.

    -Second issue is if you go to the index.php/create-account/ page, it shows as blank, so the form isn’t even showing.

    I reverted back to the twentyfifteen theme to make sure it wasn’t my own issue, but it appears something isn’t clicking correctly, where would I edit the Registration button pointing to a URL to ensure things point correctly?

    Thank you!

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  • @rosyteddy


    Is it WP 4.1.1 and BP 2.2.1 and Multisite. If so go to …/wp-admin/network/settings.php
    Registration Settings – Select radiobutton for
    Both sites and user accounts can be registered.
    and save.

    If there is a Page created via Add New Page with title “Register” but no content
    and you have chosen this via ..wp-admin/network/admin.php?page=bp-page-settings
    as Registration page, things should work.

    After doing the above log out as admin, and visit the “register” link.



    Thank you for your note, but this still is not working properly. The Register URL’s are pointing incorrectly as I noted in my first message. Thank you for additional assistance.

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