Serious? Password confirmation is not superfluous at all. Unless you want to be answer a ton of support requests because they think they typed the right password but in fact didn’t.
In fact I would go further and advise the use of travel-Junkies bp-xtra-signup plugin for it’s password strength checker and other touches. Stop them doing user name ‘bob’ password ‘bob’
I’d like to know how to do this, too. It’s pretty easy to do a password reset, and one less form to fill out is one less barrier to entry.
It’s all about cutting those barriers to entry…
As Ehegwer says, self-service via the password reset function is something everyone will be familiar with. Facebook for example, has no password confirmation requirement.
Anyhow, in the end I did it with a small and relatively unobtrusive core hack.
A password confirmation is not a barrier to entry it’s a ‘Best Practise’ to be honest if you have users put of by having to enter passwords twice you are probably better off without them 
Just because Facebook does something a particular way doesn’t make it a best practise
>>Just because Facebook does something a particular way doesn’t make it a best practise
– true, but you can bet your bottom dollar they’ll have done some serious multi-variate testing on the conversion rates of that sign-up form.
There are plenty of arguments on both sides, but as part of a full usability overhaul I’m falling more on the side of fewer fields.
This jquery plugin looks like it could be a good usability enhancement too:
Thanks for pointing me towards bp-xtra-signup plugin, it looks great (though I’m getting JS errors in IE6 and IE7 when using the ajax auto-checkers…)
Haven’t run that plugin under IE, need to look at that.
Point taken about the pwd confirm, and sign up rates and for a app like Facebook the figures perhaps justify. One thing I would say is that I am in favour of initial simplified signup processes, there is nothing that puts me of more than over complicated lengthy signups.
Just for completeness, I fixed those IE errors by changing
in availability.js and email_checker.js
Nice one cheers for feeding that back.
ought to give @travel-junkie the heads up on that as well
So can anyone describe how to take out the confirmation?