@travcentralen Your custom theme needs to be updated for BP 1.6. To confirm, change to bp-default theme and check if issue is resolved.
Okey, will try it out! But nothing will change if i change back to my current theme that i have now?
@mercime I tried it out but the problem remains 
Hi @travcentralen,
you source code contains some tags that should not be there. A doubled href in this case:
<a href="http://www.travcentralen.se/medlemmar/?s=1985″; rel=”nofollow”>1985
instead of
http://www.travcentralen.se/medlemmar/?s=1985; rel=”nofollow”>1985
EDIT: Sorry for the code, but buddypress is stripping it despite backsticks.
Did you insert your datas with HTML code ? Or do you use an old pulgin ?
Deactivate all your plugins except buddypress.
Then test with bp-degfault and see if the problem remains.
Than reactivate your plugins one by one to find the culprit.
Hi @chouf1
Thanks for your time! No, have not done anything with html code since i’m a beginner in this 
I have just installed the plugins and then worked from that.
Okey, so i should not go in and remove the double href in the code? By the way, where is that code? 
Why do you want to remove html code when you don’t know what genrate it ? 
That said, the profile textarea’s content is in the DB (xprofile tab from memory)
But you have to find what plugin genrates the double insertion. The unique solution is to proceed like i explained previously.
First activate the bp-default theme with no plugins except BP and create a new profile field for testing.
If the field shows correctly, you have to update the Huddle theme (you can use Template Pack plugin to do this easily).
If the problem remains, you have to reactive one by one your plugins.
I´m also having the same problem. I am using the same template . I just modified a bit.
If you see this problem exists with me and @travcentralen .
Well when I use default buddypress theme with all the plugins it works. So I assume the problem is with the template?
I am new in wordpress. This is my 2nd time with wordpress but 1st time with buddypress.
Please kindly solve this fast. 
Thanks a lot
Tirtha (TJ Designers)
Please kindly solve this fast.
As you have you have confirmed it’s not an issue with BP but with your custom theme, the advice already given earlier needs to be followed re updating the custom theme. For starters try doing a visual compare of the profile display files in members/single/profile/profile-loop.php of bp-default and your theme version.
Thank you @Hugo, but unfortunately there is no difference. Impact I tried to replace the whole members folder with the default buddypress members folder but still no change. The problem remains.
If I dnt want the link on the name ( Antonie Blake) and other profile fields then which line I have to delete from the php ? will it be solved then?
Antonie Blake
I don´t know whats happening. 
@papaitirtha ,
please post questions one by one.
For the question about template, it seems there is something wrong from within it. As you know also, you paid a $60 licence to use the Huddle themeforest theme. This price includes support and you have to ask them first for disfunction and updates, not here.
FYI, the last update of the theme is 21 August 12. Did you use this update ?
Same question to @travcentralen
For the second question about retrieving profile fields automatic links, i don’t know, but please search a bit on this forum. I saw a similar one in the past 3 days….
I will thanks .. But the funny part is even on the live preview of themeforest the problem exits
Anyways thanks a lot guys
Almost certainly you have filter in functions.php to remove auto profile links. Unfortunately, the priority number on that filter was changed in a recent BuddyPress release, resulting in a lot broken sites. If you put the correct filter priority in functions.php, I suspect your site will work again. Have a Google at previous threads on here for correct number
A fast solution in profile fields for the huddle theme…
Go to wp-content/themes/huddle/functions.php and open it.
At line 45 you should see
` $new_values[] = ‘‘ . $value . ‘‘; `
change it with this
` $new_values[] = strip_tags( $value ); `
I bought this theme today, and i did not have time to beautify the code and the functions, but i will write again probably the next days.
@lidakis thank you for that solution! that was helpful! grateful