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[Resolved] Who can adapt the template WordPress for BuddyPress – Envision Theme

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  • @hnla


    Please bear in mind that this is a support forum to help with BP issues and problems, it is not a coding service. People here are volunteers giving their free time to help.

    You really should make an attempt to begin this process – using the template pack plugin if required – or post to the jobs board with the request and pay someone to help you with this requirement.

    If you make an attempt to get started I’m sure @mercime or someone will guide you along with the process and help where you get stuck.

    Also do check out the codex pages as – apart from the template pack walk throughs – Mercime has done a lot of work converting themes to BP and has an extensive list of themes that have been converted or threads where the process for a given theme exist.



    Hello, I tried using the plugin Template Pack BP, but the third step, the template is unformatted and can not finish. With this @ mercime asked me to send the links: header, footer, index, page and sidebar.



    Would have helped to have posted that link in the first place then ;)

    The third step does require some manual modifications did you try that or are you not familiar with basic html /code?

    I’m sure mercime will help shortly – but I do stress again that the help forums are not to be regarded as a service.



    @hnla thank you :-)

    @strek-break will post in a little while.



    You will only need to create two new files, header-buddypress.php and sidebar-buddypress.php

    If you’ve revised any of the BP template files transferred to your peekaboo theme folder in server during the BP Compatibility process, please delete the 6 BP folders transferred to your envision theme folder in server – activity, blogs, forums, members, groups, register – then re-run Appearance > BP Compatibility again to make sure that you have clean template files.

    A. COPY your theme’s header.php and Save As > header-buddypress.php

    Open up header-buddypress.php and at the BOTTOM of the file, below other code contained within, add this:
    `<div class="middle” id=”ID, PREFIX.’_page_sidebar_position’, true)==1 ) echo ‘sidebar_right’;
    elseif ( get_post_meta($post->ID, PREFIX.’_page_sidebar_position’, true)==2 ) echo ‘sidebar_left’;
    elseif ( get_option(PREFIX.’_sidebar_position’)==1 ) echo ‘sidebar_left’;
    else echo ‘sidebar_right’; ?>”>


    Save file.



    B. COPY your theme’s sidebar.php and Save As > sidebar-buddypress.php

    Open up sidebar-buddypress.php and at the TOP, above all code contained within, add this


    Save file.

    C. Upload header-buddypress.php and sidebar-buddypress.php to your theme folder in server wp-content/themes/envision/ at the same directory where your regular header.php and sidebar.php files are in

    D. Final note: Copy the style modifications for some BP elements and paste those at the bottom of your theme’s stylesheet, then adjust to taste.



    the template was perfect! Thank you for helping me!



    @strek-break you’re welcome. Marking this as resolved.

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