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User can't edit profile page

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  • @modemlooper


    It might be an issue that there is a dash in the members slug



    Thanks I tried changing the members slug but it still gets a 404

    not sure what else to try



    Yeah, I’m suffering the exact same issue.
    Wordpress 3.8.1, Buddypress 1.9.2

    At first I thought it was because of an update to my Simplepress plugin, but that doesn’t seem to be the issue.

    I’d hazard a guess it appeared after the latest BP update.



    I have the same issue. I am almost sure it has to do with the last update also as everything was running fine before..

    Check your /members page and click on a user that has made a post of any kind, does it take you to that post or their profile page? Mine is taking me to a post..



    I think it might have been the process of updating, rather than the update itself, as I’ve searched and found several similar posts. We rolled back to 1.9.1 and the issue persisted. seems to have the same issue, and we’ve tried adjust the database as recommended by breakster, again with no luck. The OP from that post mentioned she was using BP 1.8



    After tweaking the bp-xprofile-screens.php file a bit, I got it back up and running.
    See the pastebin for more details.



    Thanks so much! This worked for me.



    Turns out, Nextgen gallery plugin was the issue for me, once disabling it works fine again.. Odd. This plugin seems to interfere with BP a lot..



    Wow, this was happening to me too and it turned out it was NextGen as well.

    I thought everything was running just fine on front end and just for kicks I try a public forum account as a participant and try to edit profile in buddy press and it was redirecting the edit profile to a random post on my blog…. I couldn’t figure out where the redirect was coming from. Deactivated my redirection plugin, and that wasn’t it.

    I had just installed next gen too and was really looking forward to using it. Never would have thought this created a conflict. And how could I have known? It would’ve continued being faulty like that for users!! Ahhh technicalities….

    If anyone gets an update as to how this redirect is being made please let us know. Thank you @jslom for sharing this.



    No problem @jcervantes28, it drove me nuts for a while too lol.

    I have submitted a bug report to nextgen about a week ago, and am waiting for them to inspect what the issue is. They usually get it worked out, although this is the second time in only a few months that it has caused issues with my bp installation.

    I am thinking about switching to something similar. Have you made a switch, and have any suggestions?




    Thank you for the update. I look forward to hearing any improvements on this issue as I was really curious about testing Next Gen.

    It’s funny because i had just installed that plugin that night (NextGen) and was waiting around to actually configure it. In the mean time I happened by chance to try the front end of my forums, and found the problem. Otherwise, I would have never found it. never thought it was Nextgen.

    I know there was an update, but I haven’t tried it again since. I unfortunately have not looked into alternatives for galleries. I was doing it old school and just posting pictures down the post, but wanted to modernize a bit, had researched on NextGen, was excited, and then this.

    Please let me know if you find anything new.

    Thank you,




    No problem! Here’s another update. I kept downgrading versions to figure out which one this originally occurred after and got it. Install Version 2.0.40 to have it work without interfering with BP. It is running good again for me. I will update once they have confirmed it to be fixed, and will also post back here.



    thanks for tracking that down. I had the same problem until I downgraded to NextGen 2.0.40





    No problem. Unfortunately the last 2 updates have not fixed the issue yet. Hopefully soon, but I am looking at other alternatives also.

    I would encourage you and anyone else having problems to make a reply here. Maybe they do not understand how many sites it is really causing problems with.



    Thanks, I deleted nextgen and everything got back to normal for all users.
    Except for one user, he had an underscore in its nicename, I had to change it to an hyphen in the DB for him to have a working edit profile link.



    Thanks @jslom.
    We downgraded Nextgen to 2.0.40 and it resolved the issue.



    Thank you for the help and for keeping us updated, @jslom.

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