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What do you expect from 14.0.0?

  • @imath


    Hi everyone!

    12.0.0 was a huge update which brought the BP Rewrites API and required a backwards compatibility Add-on for “not ready for it yet” 3rd party plugins and themes or if you need to carry on using deprecated features like Legacy widgets or the BP Default theme. We’re still actively monitoring support requests about it πŸ‘€.

    The next BuddyPress major version will be 14.0.0!

    We kicked off this new milestone on January 8 sharing our first ideas about it during our bi-weekly development meeting.

    If you have ideas πŸ’‘ about features this next release should introduce, let us know about it! Of course we do have some, but we thought reading your expectations could help us prioritize our time & energy and/or help us complete our tasks list for the 14.0.0 milestone of our roadmap.

    So, what do you expect from 14.0.0?

    NB: please, let’s stick to the topic! If you need help about latest BuddyPress version (12.0 or up): use the other sticky topic about it πŸ™

    bapuu thinking about 14.0.0

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  • @hossin0241


    Thank you for creating this topic

    I think, if possible, that the system of historiography
    Change BuddyPress to the default WordPress system, it’s better
    (Things like choosing the date of birth and…)

    So that users who use other history systems can also benefit from it



    Hi @hossin0241

    Thanks a lot for sharing your expectations. We actually built a bridge between our xProfile component and regular WP user fields in version 8.0. Here’s a developer note we wrote about it, I believe it can help you reach your need.



    Thanks for your help
    That note was very helpful.

    According to the image below, the Date Selector field is related to choosing the date of birth and…


    Screenshot 2024 01 22 221904

    This is the part I was looking for, which is apparently not compatible with WordPress’ core historiography system and cannot be used with Shamsi date in Persian language (after using the Shamsi-Jalali plugin).



    I am glad to hear that a v.14 is planned!
    For 10 years I’ve tried to build something with buddypress, but I have never been able to launch a completed project, as I haven’t had the skills to make it as functional as it needed to be.

    I am one of those guys that have used wordpress + various other members plugin + freelancer to make what I want.

    Every community is different – so is the ones I’ve tried to make, and more often than not I haven’t needed 60% of the functionality coming out of the box in buddypress. But there are always something missing, at least for what I wanted to use Buddypress for.

    In version 14 I hope to see more functionality (presented in a clear way for the users) towards user-interacting: Easy to use notification system for 100% of interactions between users.

    All notifications is so, so important – as this is the way to bring members back. “Lila has sent you a message, click here to see”, “You got a new friend request”, “Someone replied to your topic”.. This brings people back, helping to grow the community!

    So: Live popups and emails + bell notifications for:
    Private messages, new bbpress replies / new topics, bbpress mentions, commenting, like buttons, added, follows, friend requests, accepted friend request, rejected friend requests, rating of content, e.g posts, forum posts etc.

    And the entire notification system must be easy to use for both members and the admins!
    Not all admins have coding skills. We just need an easy way to implement a bell in the header, which nicely presents new notifications. Small things like that is what I’ve been looking for.

    And I have often found that 50% of it is working as I hoped, but then the other 50% is just not there. Forcing me to go to Freelancer, and from the developers over there, getting told: “You don’t need such a heavy tool like buddypress to accomplish this. Let me fix it for you just using wordpress and UsersWP”.



    One thing that has been missing in BP is import and export. This should have been there from version 1.




    My wish is for BuddyPress to have a chat like private messaging system with only one thread allowed between users. Or maybe have a feature where we can enable a periodical delete of older messages so threads don’t get really large and slow.



    Hello i have one requirment .
    i do not know it already has or not. if it has then please guid me.

    Requirment:- In registation extra field, if i enter any extra field and set it as a required , then if any user keep it blank on registraio time then it stop further process but it not give any notice or warning to that user like “PLease fill this require field” .



    Hi @gomle

    Thanks a lot for your feedback. About Notifications, I believe using the Notification Web API can improve your “pulling the user to the site” need.

    Hi @oumz99

    I agree we should look into import/export. To comply with GDPR, users can export the data they created on the site from their profile settings. But a more global tool would be great to easily develop BuddyPress themes or move community generated content to another site.
    See & contribute to it there:

    Hi @bclaim

    So do I! I totally agree with you. We need to rethink the Private Messages component/feature with the goal:
    1. to make it a chat like system for member(s) to member(s) discussions as well as between group members discussions. What are channels in Slack could be groups in BuddyPress Private Messages. I’m looking carefully to the Block Editor live collaboration system as it may help us to reach this goal.
    2. to move the Community wide notice feature outside of it.


    It should be the case. So it’s not an evolution to me but more a bug. I’ll look into it.

    I’ll make sure to talk about it with other members of the BP Core Developers team during our next development meeting.

    Here’s my 2 main wishes for 14.0.0:
    – Review our different registration flows and allow Administrators to easily disable these BuddyPress registration flows.
    – Build new BP Blocks along with a new BP Blocks only Theme to start using the WP Site Editor to customize our community area.



    Hello @imath

    i want on off functionality on registration notification.
    when ever new user come it inform to all other user about that and also if any onew change theri profile image or cover image then it inform about that .

    BUt some user do not want that so i suggest yoou to give options about that .

    alos, make registartion page shortcode so we can edit it with elementor or access it whenever we want. i hoe you understande my problem.

    if i need any other requirment then i definalty inform you

    thank you so much



    I’d like to throw into the mix ActivityPub. With WordPress being able to support ActivityPub through the ActivityPlug Plugin from Automattic it would be interesting to understand how BuddyPress could interact with other servers and communities built on Mastodon and other ActivityPub compliant servers.

    It would be interesting to see a home feed and have the ability to follow others on different servers.



    I don’t have any specific suggestions, I just wanted to state my appreciation for people like @imath who continue to contribute to this excellent plugin.

    Thank you!




    My wish is to focus on optimizing speed and building native features. So that I no longer have to use external plugins or snippets.



    By the way, big thanks for Buddypress attachment plugin !!! its so fckg good I read somewhere that you are disappointed that it has a small number of downloads. I think it’s not that it’s bad, but that many people don’t know it exists.



    Question: Heartbeat and admin ajax php, slow my web by 2 sec. Its any way how this can be optimalization?



    Option to add a link to my buddypress from an external site? I mean share link by people like is possible for facebook, twitter etc?
    For example, FB has:
    And I want:



    Hello all…
    I don’t know if I’ve missed something in BP setup (love BP plugin by the way – brilliant!) – but as users join my site (quite a few each day) – all they get in /activity/ is endless photo/profile/join updates – so posting anything else like news or interesting stuff in /activity/ is almost pointless as you have to scroll through knee-deep uninteresting photo updates no one wants to see. Perhaps photo updates and similarly basic updates should only show your friends activity – not everyone (or perhaps be able to set what appears more granularly at least the basics?).
    Sorry if there is already way to do this – either way, filtering the activity stream a bit better would be a great update (/activity/ page to me the is one/thee main hub of the site but it is not at the moment – so needs to show only interesting stuff. Rome was not built in a day so I’m vey pleased with BP as it is πŸ™‚



    PS – also Im sure it should have the most basic feature of Twitter; ie Follow (and/or Like) (with a way to set it for social or singles respectively). At least Follow?



    Elementor compatibility and a good documentation like BuddyBoss has.



    Yes this is very good but in this we sill go for some other info about this



    Make it work with LiveCanvas and Bootstrap….





    Hello developers,

    What about a group video conferencing option, like Buddymeet ?

    The plugin uses Jitsi’s open source software. Maybe a self hosted Jitsi instance could be an add-on?

    I don’t expect this for 14.0, since I suspect it would be time consuming. But it would be a cool future feature I think.




    Hello @imath @all,

    i want to know about buddypreess funcitonlity.

    there are any feture availble in wich old comment not display.

    i explain clearly, from my side many comment not display if they are old , but after this code

    add_filter(‘bp_use_legacy_activity_query’, function ($value, $method, $args) {
    if ($method == “BP_Activity_Activity::get_activity_comments”) {
    return true;
    }, 10, 3);

    i can see old comments , but cant able to delete .

    anyone know about this please give me guidence.
    thank you



    This may seem an odd request but I’m sure others will have this issue if they choose to run membership mode.

    I badly need a way to add a ‘Account viewed but needs further verification’ type of note/flag to new signup accounts that I need to more carefully review (where I’ve checked profile data entered in signup fields but not approved or activated) and filter these out in Manage new Signups.

    Not being able to do this is making my request membership site impossible to manage, as I can’t easily find new signups amongst the one I’ve looked at but need further verification.

    I now have a massive list of unapproved signup pages to scroll through – and – keep re-looking at signups I already checked. But this is not a complaint – I love everything you do with BP πŸ™‚


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