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Widget Ajax Members Group Problem

  • @bobman024


    Hey, I am having an issue getting the Ajax to work on the Members and Group Widgets on our homepage only. What would cause the Ajax to not work?

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  • @burtadsit


    Do your directories work? Members, Groups, Blogs? Or is this just the widgets?

    Is this a WP theme or a BP theme?

    Is this the standard out of the box home theme or a modified theme?

    Anything in your apache/php logs?

    You on a shared host?

    What version of BP and what version of WPMU?

    Activate the home theme distributed with bp. Disable all other wp plugins and bp enhancements. Try again.

    Can you point me to your site?



    sounds like what I am going through LOL



    Yep. Thought of moving the discussion to your thread but don’t know enough about the issue yet to say it’s related. The other two problems that were in your thread were not related to your problem. One had to do with links in email and a security mechanism the other was a permissions problem.

    We’ll see as the issue takes shape. (sigh) Where was that Sunday paper with the factory jobs in it?



    well i’m fine moving it here. Everything on site works great except the ajax not refreshing. Oh and the email sign up link bug. Other than that Buddypress rocks!



    “Other than that..” :)

    The other should work too. We’ll get it working. Andy is working on some major things in other areas. I have commitment from him to put me at the top of his list when he gets back from the development stratosphere.

    This issue is at the top of mine. Still trying to figure this out. This is an area where my skill set is close to zero in bp.



    I don’t know if this is related but I made a yahoo pipes mashup and it does not work on BP. The pipe works fine but when placed in to widget or hard coded it will not run the javascript to make it refresh.



    I have no idea what a yahoo pipes mashup is. What is a yahoo pipes mashup?



    its a site to mash up feeds from sites like flickr and youtube. Any xml can be mashed.



    That leads us to: bp’s ajax is returning a result but the js is not refreshing the page. It’s not just bp’s js then it’s the stuff too. Got me as to why.



    burtadsit, I figured out that the fancy url was the culprit. I turned off the fancy url and the handler file was found but I would like to get back the fancy url. So any thoughts on how?



    Woa! Just checking back on this. Ok so here are my responses

    Do your directories work? Members, Groups, Blogs? Or is this just the widgets? Yup directories work fine, and the ajax even works on member themes (most of the time)

    Is this a WP theme or a BP theme?WP Theme – custom

    Is this the standard out of the box home theme or a modified theme? Modified, you can see here:

    Anything in your apache/php logs? Nothing that I can pinpoint

    You on a shared host?Self hosted

    What version of BP and what version of WPMU?BP version Beta2, WPMU 2.7

    Can you point me to your site?



    @modemlooper, if you are changing from one permalink structure to another then the .htaccess file has to be rewritten by wpmu. You should be able to run any permalink struct you want. When you modify the permalink structure make sure you temporarily change the directory that contains your .htaccess file for wpmu to 777 and then make the change. Change it back to something safe afterwards.

    If wpmu thinks you have permalink struct A and .htaccess is setup to handle B then you get problems.



    bobman024, well by my count you have eight other plugins running that have javascript associated with them. Something is conflicting with the jquery.livequery library that bp is trying to use. Try disabling your plugins one at a time and test the bp ajax. I just tried the alpha list in the member directory and I’m getting an error that the jquery.livequery function doesn’t exist. Yet that library is being sent to the browser. Anything will work for the test but that one is available to me without signing up on your site.



    burtadsit, I tried what you said but it didn’t work. The ajax stopped.



    modemlooper, I honestly can’t find any reason why this is failing in your case.



    Same problem here. wpmu 2.7, bp rc-1, no extra wp-plugins installed, currently on shared host.

    Ajax widgets won’t work unless permalinks are changed to default.



    jeffca, I have not been able to reproduce what you are describing. I changed permalinks to just /%postname%/ from month/day/name and ajax still operates. Baffling.



    Evidently we can’t figure this one out.



    If this is still an issue for you all, I would recommend upgrading to the most recent trunk of BuddyPress and trying this one again.

    The Permalink issue with using /%category%/ or /%postname%/ in the custom URL has been fixed for a few days now, and this was causing all sorts of grief for a few different areas; javascript references, avatars, functions.php, etc…



    I upgraded to tunk1207 and this didn’t help.

    It’s nailed down to a jquery, htaccess and/or bp-core-ajax-handler.php problem :)



    Why does wordpress mu add “?ver=1.2.6” to jquery.js?

    I’m getting a 404 when clicking the ajax widgets (with permalinks on) … could the ?ver= cause this?



    are you using fancy urls? I cant use them on my site or the ajax quits.




    WPMU 2.7

    latest BP

    shared hosting

    with permalinks set to custom, ajax widgets wont refresh



    Well, it’s working for me with custom permalinks.

    Would someone having this problem confirm their version of WPMU, BP and whether they are using a subdomain or subfolder install please? You need to be testing this with the default theme without any changes, and without any plugins, widgets or addons that are not part of the base WPMU and BP install.



    I’m running WPMU 2.7 – BP trunk1248, not in subfolder/subdomain. Godaddy shared hosting. Any permalinks set, and widgets won’t work.

    Firebug Console, when I click ie. newest in Groups widget, reports:

    POST 404 Not Found … jquery.js?ver=1.2.6 (line 11)

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