Widget Ajax Members Group Problem
Hey, I am having an issue getting the Ajax to work on the Members and Group Widgets on our homepage only. What would cause the Ajax to not work?
“I’m running WPMU 2.7 – BP trunk1248, not in subfolder/subdomain. Godaddy shared hosting. Any permalinks set, and widgets won’t work.”
@djpaul, was gonna ask you to take a look at this thread. You’re here already.
I’ve given up on trying to grok this one. Have absolutely nothing else to contribute. Stumped me.
All I can think of is that it’s a host thing. Have fun.
I believe it probably is a host thing (godaddy)
how it that when permalinks are set to default, the buddypress pages still have “pretty permalinks”?
I would like to fix my problem by using that same “technique”
@jeffca, @enlightenmental1: first of all check that your .htaccess rewrite is being amended after you change the settings in WP. If it isn’t, it’s a permissions problem.
Are you both on godaddy? If you are on godaddy, I believe they only process .htaccess files for updates once an hour. Change the permalink setting in WP; check that WP has rewritten the .htaccess; then go outside and wait an hour. Come back, and then test.
Oh, and if you aren’t on godaddy and the above doesn’t work (wait at least 60 minutes), try putting
Options -MultiViews
at the very top of the .htaccess.Any joy?
its there a way to just write the htaccess our selves and no have MU do it?
No luck here. You’re right – htaccess isn’t updating when I change permalinks settings.
I have several other wp sites with same hosting, htaccess updates fine with same permissions chmod644.
I tried 777, but no luck.
The odd thing is that the blog permalinks work even though htaccess isn’t being written to, just ajax widgets don’t. I’m stumped.
yeah never would update for me either. it wasn’t the hour thing either as I can manually edit htaccess and it changes immediately.
@JEffca, if you’ve got another working install with custom permalinks, try copying that file into your BP install. Does the new link format work for both Ajax and non Ajax?
how are the /groups /members “pretty permalinked” ?
I simply dont have time to do this the “right way”… my boss wants this done now… despite my efforts to explain how much time these things can take… : (
could a person manually add rewrite rules to the htaccess file for the pages created?
i.e. if i have a page named “Chat”
i just add a line to the htaccess file….if page_id=THIS rewrite to THIS ?
any help would be stellar….thanks
(my htaccess file updates instantly as well if I make changes to it)
can someone post up what the htaccess looks like on a working install with fancy urls. I do not have a one working.
I am on the same boat. Godaddy. Did any of you solve this?
A guy from Stackoverflow had the solution
Try adding this line of code to /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-core/bp-core-ajax-handler.php before do_action()
status_header( 200 );
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