Great scott! Just when I thought all the craziness of bbPress was done!
That’s right Doc Brown! This is heavy.
You know, John, I wasn’t even thinking about the Back to the Future reference when I typed it 
I think your patch made the cut, as I don’t see it in the active tickets in the MU trac.
Looks like it didn’t actually. Got closed and noted as not needed. Could be me freaking out, but I have a funny feeling it might come back…
I’m going to go test all of this now and see what happens.
Link to John’s WPMU ticket regarding bbPress for reference (just if some want to refer to it):
I’m going to try upgrading to WPMU 2.8.1 on my testbox and see what happens as well.
I’ve just done a successful upgrade, with a few minor issues which are now noted in the original post.
Actually, I’m going to hold off MU 2.8.1 for awhile.
The new widget API has totally changed making some widgets inoperable.
Are BP’s widgets working in MU 2.8.1? Probably not, right?
The new widget API has totally changed making some widgets inoperable.
Are BP’s widgets working in MU 2.8.1? Probably not, right?
I have not yet tried BP’s widgets with WPMU 2.8.1, but I do know that they have not yet been ported to the new widget API. However, I believe that in theory WPMU 2.8.1 allows for widget backwards compatibility. So, they should work.
We should begin building a list of any issues we have with the default BP widgets in this thread. Then, we can add solutions to trac.
I have had no luck at all trying to upgrade from 2.7.1 to 2.8.1
Here are the steps I am following:
1. backup all files and db – done
2. deactivate all plugins on the main blog
3. remove all plugins from the mu-plugins folder
4. delete wp-admin and wp-includes folders from server
5. upload all new 2.8.1 files to the server
Then when I try to reach any page on the server I get a 500 error which is as follows:
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function wp_clone() in / on line 380
The only thing I can do at this point is to delete all the new files I uploaded and replace them with the old 2.7.1 files…
I have tried this 4 times so far with no luck. I have made absolute certain that all the files are properly overwritten, but still end up with the error.
Is there a solution to this problem, or am I the only one with it?
I’ve read the upgrade docs, and as far as I can tell I am not missing a step, so I’m really stumped here…..
my buddypress install is NOT on the primary blog, so I did not have to change the theme. It is a wp standard theme on the primary blog
anointed, sounds like you deleted the php.ini file that you probably needed a while ago to set your memory limit. Either that, or maybe your .htaccess file that enables php5.
Regarding BuddyPress widgets, so far they look perfectly fine on my 2.8.1 installations.
well i didn’t go anywhere near the php.ini file as this is a dedicated server and I don’t separate them out on a per site basis.
the .htaccess file was not overwritten, left that intentionally.
I’m going to try it one more time and see if it helps.
I did have one problem that I forgot about. I accidentally deactivated buddypress before I deactivated all the plugins that rely upon it. That resulted in a 500 error. I had just removed the offending plugins that rely upon buddypress via ftp, figuring that would solve the problem. Which it ‘appeared’ to do, but obviously not.
So I reactivated buddypress, then reupped the other plugins via ftp, and then did the deactivation the right way. Now all are properly deactivated and I’m replacing files again.
will report back.
John: reminds me:
burt actually asked me to send you a pm regarding an ‘issue’ i am having as he is to busy with his move. I’ll send it after this final attempt.
Is anyone having any success determining the steps for a fresh install of WP MU 2.8.1, bbPress 1.0.1 and buddypress 1.0.2?
I can’t get the WP MU 2.8.1 and bbPress 1.0.1 integration playing together. I’ve tried the bbPress Integration plugin for wordpress. This plugin shows one section with wordpress constants COOKIEHASH, COOKIE_DOMAIN, SITECOOKIEPATH and COOKIEPATH under the “Save Changes” button:
define( ‘COOKIEHASH’, ‘8601cf66cb0dd7bfc31ae5a1499a18a4’ );
define( ‘COOKIE_DOMAIN’, ‘’ );
define( ‘SITECOOKIEPATH’, ‘/’ );
define( ‘COOKIEPATH’, ‘/’ );
I’m working on an offline development server on my Mac (XAMPP running php 5.3.0). I was using MAMP Pro but stopped using that when I found out their was an incompatibility with the libxml / php versions it was using.
Currently I have to logout of one backend to access (login) to the other (or clear cookies) to access either backend. I can’t be logged into both at the same time. It’s sharing usernames and password okay …
Are there any tricks that people have been using to try and debug this?
I’m quite keen to work from a fresh install of latest releases of all the components rather than working through upgrades of previous versions (which are also tricky to integrate).
I’ve tried stirring in newt’s eyes and frogs legs into the cauldron but they don’t seem to help.
@anointed check your permission and be sure that the dir owner is not root
@Agentmaximus, try removing the SITECOOKIEPATH setting all together. On some integrations I’ve done, that can sometimes get in the way.
John, I tried commenting out that setting and there was no joy. I’ve been focusing on the cookie domain:
on the wordpress side, on logging in the wordpress_logged_in_* cookie has the cookie *Domain* ‘‘, whereas on the bbpress side the cookie has the *Host* ‘‘.
So on the wordpress side there is an extra ‘.’.
It does this irrespective of whether COOKIE_DOMAIN in wp-config.php is:
define( ‘COOKIE_DOMAIN’, ‘’ );
define( ‘COOKIE_DOMAIN’, ‘’ );
My understanding is that if cookie handling is the same on the wordpress and the bbpress sides of the integration, then the login state should be retained.
It seems to me that the problem is may be related to this COOKIE_DOMAIN constant and how it is being handled (or ignored) by wordpress (and/or bbpress).
You are correct on all counts. Basically both sides of the equation need to equal each other character for character for integration to work. That means trailing slashes, dots, everything.
If it’s not working, that means something is still off somewhere, and all you can do is retrace your steps over and over again.
Have you tried deleting your site cookies completely and logging in and out? If an old cookie is sitting there, it can cause some headaches also.
Can anyone with a test setup try to delete a user with 2.8.1 and BuddyPress 1.0.2 active? Mine white screens, and deactivating BuddyPress allows me to delete them.
I’ve tried that as well. I’m using firefox and it has a function for selecting and deleting individual cookies. I’ve also tried moving the constants to the bottom of wp-config.php since I wondered if wp-settings.php which is loaded at the bottom of wp-config.php is somehow overriding the constants.
Does bbPress actually load wp-config.php for integration to pick up settings??? I haven’t had a chance to trace through and find out what files are loaded.
All of your cookie settings need to be before the include of wp-settings.php. If not, then wp-settings.php guesses at the defaults.
bbPress will not load wp-config.php, but you can tell it to load wp-blog-header.php for “deep integration” which is a whole other bag of issues sometimes.
I give up. I will wait until precise instructions are available for integration with bbpress 1.0.1. I’ll be closely watching this and other threads on wp mu 2.8.1. I’m not sure if it is php 5.3.0 that might be causing me problems.
There seems to be an issue with bp-themes in the wp-content/bp-themes directory. There does not appear to be anywhere to activate theme.
According to instructions in the readme, BuddyPress themes (other than the default ‘bpmember’ theme need to be activated before they are used).
Based on the instructions in the readme in the bp-themes directory I looked for a menu “Site Admin -> BuddyPress”. This menu doesn’t exist (although this is the menu that the instructions say is needed to activate Buddypress Themes).
I then went to the “BuddyPress -> General Settings Menu”. This has a dropdown list “Select theme to use for BuddyPress generated pages”. This dropdown is listing the wordpress themes and not the buddypress themes like bpskeleton which comes with the 1.02 download. There is nowhere I can find to activate the BuddyPress themes so that they appear in this list. In the dropdown above, I tried selecting one of the themes listed e.g. “wordpress mu homepage”. Once I apply it and go to the buddyPress-generated pages like “/members”, “/groups” or “/blogs” I see this message:
You do not have any BuddyPress themes installed.
Please move “/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/” to “/wp-content/bp-themes/” and refresh this page. You can download more themes here.
My installation is a clean install from wpmu 2.8.1 with buddypress 1.0.2
Exact same problem as Agentmaximus.
Super clean install, only wpmu 2.8.1 and bp 1.0.2, nothing else.
chmod are correct as well. Upon activating I get this error:
<img src=”” alt=”Activation error image” />
In the bp General Settings no bp member themes are available:
<img src=”” alt=”Theme error” />
I’m glad I did not upgrade, but first tried a localhost install.
Any ideas?
Hmmm…sanitizes the html…Here’s some links to the images:
Activation error
Theme error
PS. I did the whole process of a clean install exactly to the tee with WPMU 2.7.1 and it activates instantly with all themes showing correctly. So it is definitely something with WPMU 2.8.1. I don’t follow the version changes enough to know where the problem could be between 2.7.1 and 2.8.1.
I have the same trouble with the bp theme selection. The filter for “theme_root” seems to be override somewhere.
I still search why.
Yep, Obuisson1976 is correct. It is as if the add_filter call is ignored.