I’ve just released version 1.1 of the BuddyPress Template Pack. BP Template Pack is a plugin that provides you with the necessary templates to make your existing WordPress theme BP-compatible. The plugin now provides templates that are 100% up-to-date with the latest stable release of BuddyPress, which means that users will get all of the features and AJAX niceties enjoyed by sites that use the bp-default theme.

Those upgrading from an older version of the BuddyPress Template Pack can replace their existing BP templates, using the “Reset” button at Dashboard > BP Compatibility. Keep in mind that you’ll need to delete the BP template folders from your active theme (activity, blogs, forums, groups, members, registration) – for purposes of safety, this is must be done manually via FTP. Remember to back up any changes that you’ve made to these template files before deleting.

EDIT: As r-a-y points out, it’s a very smart idea to *back up* or *rename* your existing template directories instead of simply deleting them. Test this on a development installation before you do anything in a production environment, if you can.