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BuddyPress Contents 1.0 Plugin Released – Tags, Categories in BP

  • @burtadsit


    BuddyPress Contents is a content aggregation and organization tool for BuddyPress. It implements Tags and hierarchical Categories for any type of content. Member, Group and Blog tags and categories are implemented first.


    Content Types

    The three content types that bpc currently recognizes are Members, Groups and Blogs. Any type of content can be integrated into bpc however. bpc implements a content neutral ‘Item’ type that represents the various types of content within the tags and categories.

    Tags and Categories

    bpc tags and categories are based on the WordPress custom taxonomy system. The taxonomy system has been modified to support any content type and arbitrary tag and category target URLs.

    The Site Admin manages the available categories for Members, Groups and Blogs. Individual users can then select where they fit within the category tree. Mulitple categories can be selected and the user can elect to remove themselves or add themselves to the available categories.

    Tags are the free form ‘folksonomy’ discovery method for users. Individual users can create arbitrary tags that describe themselves. They can also tag themselves with existing tags to attach themselves to a particular group. The Site Admin can manage the tags that appear on their site. Deleting or modifing the tag name as they deem appropriate.

    Groups and Blogs have the same tagging nd category capabilities as Members. The group or blog admin can create tags and select categories for their group or blog.

    Member Tags and Categories

    Each BuddyPress user can create profile tags that represent their interests. Visit My Account > Contents > Profile > Tags to create your tags. Enter a comma separated list of tags.

    Select the categories that you’d like to be represented in by visiting My Account > Contents > Profile > Categories

    Widgets for Member tags and categories are available.

    Group Tags and Categories

    Each BP Group can create individual tags to allow easier discovery. Any Group admin or moderator can create group tags and categories by going to the group home page Groups > My Group > Contents > Tags and Contents > Categories

    Blog Tags and Categories

    Each blog in a wpmu installation can be tagged through the blog creator’s Blogs > My Blogs > Contents area.

    Choose Contents > Select a Blog and then create tags and categories for your blog through Contents > Tags and Contents > Categories


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  • @r-a-y


    Can’t wait to test it.

    Thanks for coding such a complex BP plugin, Burt!



    I just hope translation file is added soon, so I can translate into Japanese.



    socialpreneur, yep working on it. It seems that the wp plugin repo has a ‘pot’ generator utility hooked up to each plugin. I’m gonna test that today.



    Ok. The download and trunk have updated language function calls and I’ve added the bpcontents.pot file to both. Let me know if I’ve done it all correctly.



    Haven’t tested the localization yet myself Burt, but I’m about to now and it looks like it should work at first glance.



    I added the .pot file and manojkumar is helping me out on irc right this here moment. Mornin’ jjj!



    Burt, I am going to try it out ASAP!

    I will need some instructions as to how to make bp-events work with this…

    Great job so far! It’s quite a complicated project!



    Hey Erwin. I’m implementing blog posts right now. That will serve as a guide.


    I found a bug in the 1.0 alpha 2 and I was curious if the other members have experienced the same issue, and also if you resolved the issue with the 1.0 release.


    click on Members Directory

    click on a letter for a member listing, say ‘M’ and it shows 21 listings. Okay, first 10 members are displayed. If you click on page 2, it goes to a weird submenu that leads to a blank page.

    Here is the weird behaviour –

    a new page loads with the following url and it’s blank:


    deactivate the bpc plugin, return to Members Directory

    follow same member listing search for category ‘M’

    click on page 2

    all is fine – works as expected.

    The links for pages 2 and 3 show the same links as listed above, but when you click on them, the main page stays the same,

    and only the Member Listing changes


    wpmu 2.7.1 and the new bp 1.0.2

    Also, an other question: if we upgrade automatically to bpc 1.0, what about the existing db created tables? Will they be in conflict or will the plugin just create a new table? I ask this because I read the ‘details’ of the upgrade and it says the new plugin creates one new table in the db

    Thanks so much for your hard work.




    The alpha 2 issue you mention will go away. bpc 1.0 doesn’t use the bp directories anymore.

    There is no upgrade path from alpha 2 to 1.0. It doesn’t use any of the same low level code or any of the tables. Complete re-write of the underlying core code using wp’s taxonomy tables instead.

    Hi Burt,

    Uploaded and installed bpc 1.0 no problem. Couple of questions:

    I see the parent and child category features. Great! Why the option to click both, versus just one or the other? Just curious. Explanation: parent category is ‘COUNTRIES’ and child is ‘United States.’ I can select ‘United States’ without selecting ‘COUNTRIES.’

    After adding the two categories described here to a group, I clicked on the just categorized group. The group profile shows tags but no categories. An ommission or a decision?

    Thanks for your hard work.




    I can’t make assumptions about the parent/child relationship between categories. Specifically what use that relationship will be put to. Perhaps in some environment the parent category will not be displayed for selection and only the children will.

    The relationship still exists even selecting just the child.

    Actually I had intended to eliminate the profile tag display altogether. I just forgot to do it. I don’t want to force the display of something in a theme. It was a design decision to omit the category profile display and an omission to omit the tag display. Huh? :)

    I’d prefer to leave the inclusion of those things up to theme authors and site admins.

    Hi Burt,

    Thank you for the explanation. I understand the logic.

    Is there a way to restore the your list of group categories and group tags to display in the right column of the group section, and the same for the member page? The reason I ask is to help our members who are not as social network savvy and may not understand tags. If they just look on the right side, it may be easier for them to make the connection.

    Thanks again.




    Not sure what you mean. You want to display the user and group tags under the avatar? That’s always possible. Just because I remove that from the distribution doesn’t mean it can’t be done. What I think I will do is include the code for the tags/cats display for members and groups and then allow people to turn it on. It’ll be off by default.

    I’ll include that in 1.1 which I have planned for release by next Friday 7/10.

    Oh yes, that’s what I meant. In alpha 2, the group categories and tags were displayed on the right side of the main group page. So if one of members click on the main group nav tab, they would see the group categories and tags. The same was true for the main members page.

    Thanks so much for considering that.




    excellent. installed and worked out of the box. thanks!



    Getting Access denied page – not the plugin page



    slaffik did you move the bpcontents theme templates to your active theme directory? Gotta move /bpcontents/bpcontents to /wp-content/bp-themes/<your theme>/bpcontents



    Burt – you can kill me. Now it’s ok. I copied – not the /bpcontents/bpcontents but its content. Double bpcontents is rather confusing…

    Your plugin is great!!! Well done!



    Im probably missing something obvious, but how does the site admin set the categories for groups after the plugin has been activated successfully?

    Got to the site admin profile page. Under ME, click on ‘Contents.’ To the right, you’ll see ‘MY CONTENTS’ and in that column, click on ‘Site Admin.’

    To the right, you’ll see a selection of items to categorize. Click on ‘Groups’ and start adding a group category and hit add.

    Any CSS champs out there who can help with bpc 1.0 look and feel? I emailed Burt and hit indicated that CSS was not his best hand.

    The issue: using the bphome theme, bpc 1.0, and nicola greco’s widget plugins. The home page of Buddypress has bullet points that are square and perfectly aligned below the point down arrow of a widget bar for say, a page that is added. (I use it for FAQ’s so I have 4 separate pages and therefore 4 bullet points.)

    With bpc 1.0, and really not sure if Nicola’s widget plugin has anything to do with this, I have added member and group categories as widgets to the left and center columns of the home page. The result is that both of the widgets list the categories as bullet items but the bullets are round and left aligned beyond the down arrow of the widget bar.

    Would love to “enhance” Burt’s bpc css to make the bullets square and align like the rest of the widget listings.

    Thanks for your thoughts.




    Actually jjj is looking at the css for me.



    Translation issues so far found have been addressed in bpc trunk:


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