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BuddyPress Maps

  • grosbouff


    Hi, I’m currently developping a plugin to display and save maps (google maps) in BuddyPress.

    The core component allows to save,edit and display markers on a map; and you can use it for your own plugins.

    For example, I made a plugin to “attach” a map to a user’s profile,

    and i’m working on another one to display a map with all the locations of the users of a group.

    demo :

    You can try to register on this demo site and edit your profile to see how it works.

    There are many options to customize the maps; one of them is the “dynamic” parameter (both/static/dynamic).

    Both (default) means that the map is displayed as a picture. If you click it, it loads a real map wherin you can move. This should avoid loading to much javacript.

    You can also choose the number of markers a map can include,

    If titles and descriptions are available for this marker, etc.

    I’m also working on the privacy (not yet fully working) : for each marker, the user can choose who (visitor,member or friend) :

    -can/can’t see the marker

    -if he can see the marker, you can also choose to not display the exact location (it will be a random location at +-150m of the original location). Eg. for a profile location : you can choose that visitors (non registered users) will not be able to see your marker; that a regular member will be able to see it but not the exact location; and that your friends will be able to see the exact point.

    In the future, i’ll try to use this to filter query results for geo-location.

    Well; I guess there is lot of potential for this one !!!

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  • grosbouff




    wow, looks really nice! Great work.



    Very nice. How is the marker in the map determined? Do you have registration items for address and then geocode on the backend?

    Good work



    @designodyssey :

    yes. there is a core component (buddypress maps) that is used to save/load markers on a map; and then the BuddyPress Maps profile plugin;

    which loads the map/edit map where it does and prefills the marker information with the profile fields. But you still have to save the marker.

    Try to register and edit the Location group on my demo website, you’ll see !



    0.1-alpha version (for tests only !)





    Grosbouff, looking great. Will be testing it tonight. Cheers.



    Grosbouff, are you aware of the Geo Mashup plugin. Couldn’t you leverage that?

    I installed and activated Geo Mashup site-wide, but then it asks all the member blogs for their own Google API code in the wp-admin, which is annoying and will confuse many users.

    Haven’t had time to test your plugin yet, but if it does the same as Geo Mashup, I’d rather have a cleaned up BP-ready version of Geo Mashup.



    @Peter : mine does not require an API key and is BP-ready But there is less features.

    It’s up to you to choose which one is the best for you.

    @grosbouff – Thank you! :-)

    I´m using BP Maps and BP Maps Profile and it works like a charm.

    Will you put it up for localization, at least for user side? I will be happy to contribute with a Swedish translation.

    Version 0.1.5-alpha

    at Backend – Options – Maps Sizes, I get the following Warning:

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in …/wp-content/plugins/buddypress-maps/bp-maps-admin.php on line 278

    and the Drop-Down is emty




    I don’t have this even when I reset the options…

    Could you try to reset options and tell me if it happens again ?


    reset does not change, the first appearance after a reset



    On the backend, whenever I go to “edit profile” to set a marker and I click search, it sends me to the top of the page and does nothing. Any ideas for me? I’m running WPMU 2.9.1 and BP 1.2.1.



    Updated to 0.1.6.

    Added localization and ability to set default map (when no markers yet) to user’s city, based on its IP.

    @schwooba : try to update to 0.1.6.

    If it still does it;

    have your firebug enabled ?

    Could you try with firebug opened ?

    Please reply on the support forum :



    The upgrade worked for me…Thanks! I’ll post further questions/issues on your site.



    I’m getting an error message when I try to upgrade:

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/housings/public_html/wp-admin/admin-header.php:18) in /home/housings/public_html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 868




    This is a shot in the dark and I don’t know how difficult this would be, but what I am looking to do is to have individual groups have locations and have the locations of all groups show up on a map, lets say on the front page.

    This is to allow people to find groups near them by looking at a map.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.



    Looks like an excellent plugin in the works. I’m looking forward to it.



    @Landshark : should not be very difficult to do :

    The BuddyPress Maps plugin has been made to be flexible…

    You have to extend the buddyPress groups plugin, allow the admin to add a map and then display it.

    I can give you some infos if it’s difficult for you, but i don’t have the time to code it myself.

    By the way, check this post too :



    I like @Lansharks idea too. I could definitely use that feature.

    @Grosbouff : If you could give us an idea on how to do that, I would try to learn and implement it.

    Thanks for the plug-in and the hard work.



    Well I’m not a coder. But if this is an easy enough project to begin learning on it might be worth a shot. Any tips on where to begin?



    I’ve activated the plugins and the profile maps but I can edit my location, but it doesn’t display the map when you view my profile. Only when you edit your location.

    i also get this error when I try to save a marker

    Error occured while trying to save marker information



    What error do you get?



    this is the error: Error occured while trying to save marker information

    That’s the error I get when I try to update the location of a profile.

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