I’m having the same issue. Any information would be appreciated.
From my experience with s2member you have to have the PayPal buttons first, have them pay. Then after they pay on PayPal they are redirected to a registration page where you can have them fill out all the forms. I don’t believe you can do it the other way around with s2member. Although, they’ve created some really advanced scripting that might make it possible, but by default the order is as I describe above. I’m guessing it would be hard to change.
I’ve actually done as you describe on http://www.givingsports.com I basically just redirect the user after the signup is complete to a credit card page where I collect the money. Then, after collecting the money I redirect them to a Thank You page which lists all the things they can do on the site. However, I had to do a custom integration with a merchant processor (BrainTree) in my case to make it happen. If my site bombs, maybe I’ll make it into a plugin;-)
I have an even more basic problem at the moment … I can’t get the registration page to work.
Every time you click on it you get redirected to the home page. Have I simply missed something in the configuration? Sample at xtreme.transmutationsciences.com
There is actually a rather easy way to accomplish what you want done.with s2member.
New users are redirected to the homepage upon activation of their account. Using s2member’s API/Scripting, it’s quite simple to set up a page to display different content to not-logged-in visitors and logged-in members whose subscription level=0 (free membership).
1 – Create a page and assign it to ‘Front page displays’ under ‘Settings’ > ‘Reading’. That’s your new homepage.
2 – Under ‘s2member’ > ‘API/Scripting’, go to ‘Using Simple Conditionals’ and study the example codes given. You can customize the content on your frontpage to display the PayPal buttons ONLY to registered members with a level=0. You can also set it up for incremental upgrade prompts according to the current membership level (s2member is really cool in that regard!).
3 – Under ‘s2member’ > ‘General Options > ‘Login Welcome Page’, you can redirect users to their BP profile when they login with this: http://YOUR-SITE.com/members/%%current_user_login%%/profile/
Now create your register page the way you want it, and have your users sign up in the usual way. (Perhaps include some info on that page informing them that will have the opportunity to select their membership options after activating their account.) They will be redirected to your frontpage upon activation and will then see your PayPal subscription button(s) displayed prominently, all the goodies that come with paid membership, and a hearty prompt to “pay their dues”.
Hope this helps! 
Oops! Just noticed this thread is 5 months old 
Make sure registration is enabled for your site.
For single WP install, go to ‘Settings’ > ‘General’ and check ‘Anyone can register’.
For a multisite install, go to ‘Super Admin’ > ‘Options’ and select an option at ‘Allow new registrations’.
@pcwriter even though you answered a 5-month-old question, the information you gave is still valid and will help others who would like to know how to use s2member effectively 
@pcwriter … Actually, the post may be old, but I just posted the other day … so thanks for your fast response! And, yes, @mercime is correct – we now learn more and can use the plugin more effectively.
Did changing your settings work? I have the same problem, and changing the settings so that anyone can register didn’t fix the problem. I still don’t have a way for new users to sign up.
any advice?
If you’re running a multisite install with s2member, make sure you’ve enabled ‘Allow Open Registration’. You’ll find the setting under ‘s2member’ > ‘Multisite Config’ > ‘Multisite Registration Configuration’.
If you’re running a single site install, I’m not sure where that setting would be located in s2member, but it’s probably in there somewhere. Maybe ‘general Options’?
“* Note: The s2Member plugin has control over four options on this page.
Dashboard Blog = 1 / Main Site, Default Role = subscriber, Allow Open Registration = none, and Add New Users = 1.
In your Dashboard ( on the Main Site ), see: s2Member -> Multisite ( Config ).”
Set s2Member -> Multisite(config) -> Multisite Registration ( Main Site Configuration ) -> Yes allow open registration
Hello There, so im new to BuddyPress…Trying to set up a site and what i am finding is with this S2member/Buddypress Collaboration. Basically when i go on my site which i have set up and try to register as a general “subscriber or something it tells me an activation email has been sent but i never actually receive one.
I have tried on multiple accounts but i am having no luck whatsoever. Any ideas?
justy figure out that is possible to put LOGIN WELCOME PAGE as like activity page
just want to know is there possiblities to activity be on users prefered language ?
like set_my_preffered_language
if someone knows the solutions i am listening
oh to not forget i am using transposh as a plugin for language
thank you in advance waiting your response
hi am getting problem not able to install ..when trying to install got this error please suggest me what to do
The file you are uploading was rejected by the server.
It probably contents viruses or trojans that can damage your website
Do not attempt to upload it again as your IP address may be blocked.
and please please suggest me that how we can make Like pages like facebook from front page not from dashboard…or way by which only group admin can post an others can comment only
2nd things i need help in where 1 user can block other user..is there any plugin ?
3rd when i use child theme or when use other plugin photo tagging plugin doesnt work ..please help me for this…thanks every 1
@praveshraheja Please don’t open 2 year old threads and ask unrelated questions in them. Start new threads for your issues, and you have threads running so please avoid multiple postings of issues.
Closing this thread.